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Mysticmuseflyer's Achievements
Hopefully, I will have a more positive report soon. But I thought this was important to post. I went to a bar in Beijing called the Swing. Often there are cute girls there who are interested in foreigners. Most of the time it is easier at this bar. Of course, it doesn't attract the young 20+ hotties but often girls in there 30's who are cute. I walked in and sat at the bar. I didn't even notice the girl next to me on the left who was facing away from me. Suddeny she turned towards me. "Cheers!" she said I responded. I noticed she was very good at English right away. She was very sweet and cute. I praised her on her English ability and "high five"d her. I asked her where she was from because she had a unique accent. I found out she is from Inner Mongolia. Maybe they Inner Mongolian girls are a little sweeter and more approachable, as I only met one other girl from Inner Mongolia who was also sweet. But this girl was even sweeter. She started asking me questions about why I was in Beijing. I told her I was a professor here and she praised me "Cool!" she said. "Your English is pretty good too!" she said. I laughed and touched her arm and held on for a few seconds. She did not move. At about this time I became suspicious. I remember at my boot camp that there was this girl who was very sweet to me and who also had approached me. Kane pointed out that she was probably working. He said that very few girls will approach first. He said "Go ahead and ask her!" I did ask her and found out she was indeed working. So, since this girl at The Swing said Cheers first and was so sweet, I started to think she was working. I didn't want to ask her because I still wasn't sure and that certainly would ruin any chances. So I ruined any chances anyway by pulling back. I turned toward the bar and was just somewhat distant. Then I wondered again and reengaged but he was not engaging. I was there about 10 minutes before I reengaged. Then shortly after I attempted to reengaged, she got up. She said god-bye to me and she and here friend walked out. I watched another guy walk outside and Engage with her and get her number. When he came back I listened to him tell his buddy about getting her number. I am 95% sure that she wasn't working. Maybe I need another strategy to check out if someone is working without asking and without guessing and pulling back. She was one of my best first 5 minutes of interaction.
I wanted to post this in case anyone else is having a nice conversation and then suddenly she says...."Oh this is my stop, Bye!" I was on the bus. This girl was eating a Chinese fast food sandwich (I later found out its called Jianbinggouzi). I opened with "Oh, I love those" pointing at the sandwich! She answered "Oh, you like Chinese food!" "I love it!" "Wow really" she said. "what else do you like" She said "I love hotpot" ( i said this as I stared in her eyes) "Wow I love it too!" (she held the gaze for a bit) We talked for a few (5) minutes (we only went 3 stops at this point but we were in heave traffic. about food. I had already noticed her English was really good but I thought I would save it till the conversation went flat. The talk about food was great and had many BT spikes. high fives, fist bumps. Finally I said "wow your English is so good!" "Really, ...I think I still need to improve" ( I have only met one Chinese girl who ever said her English was good) "You must have studied abroad" "Yes I studied in England" "Oh cool my mother is from England" "Oh really" she said (she wasn't too impressed with that comment, I am wondering how I could use that my mom is from England in a similar case). "How long did you study there I really love England...do you miss it?" (I worked to get her back into the conversation) "Yes I really miss it" "Yes it is an amazing place " "I love the park by London Bridge!" "Me too!!" (she reengaged ) We talked for 5 minuted about England. (We had only gone one more stop....2 lights plus traffic so it was slow.) She did not seem concerned where we were so I didn't rush. I was just about to get out my phone and the bus door opened and she said "oh this is my stop....really nice to meet you (as the door closed)" She turned back and looked at me as the bus left. This was one of my most intimate first 10 minute talks, i was kicking myself. Lesson: I must check early when she gets off the bus or subway. Also in the future I made this new rule. If its that good I will get off at her stop too! (unless I am late for work...in that case I have already asked her where she is going and got her we chat). I did this once in the subway. I had already told this girl my stop and had already got her we chat. When my stop came she said "oh you have to go" I said "Oh no I can get off at your stop" (this made it obvious that I liked her. But luckily she liked me.) I don't remember the details of this one or I would post it. But I have a date with her coming up!
Here is my first field report. I am posting this much after the fact of my first boot camp in China. I did a boot camp in California but that is a different story as many of you know. I think I resisted posting because I am at times shy and have issues about exposure. Also maybe I am embarrassed because so far I am not the best at game. This is precisely why I finally decided to post and get over that. Even though, I am such a novice at game, I have been with a several girls (not several for PUA standards). I was a national class swimmer in US and that was enough to get girls until I was 40. Now that status is just interesting trivia. So here I am older than that....I love Chinese girls in there twenties ( usually late 20's and not 20) and that maybe isn't the easiest to pull off at my age, but I am committed to get good enough to make it happen. I notice I really rely on being in a good state. So far, I really need to be in my best confidence to get anywhere. Day 1 Shanghai. During my first day game session I kept using the "Do you know where Starbucks is?" "Can you tell me if there is a Starbucks's here?" The first few times I was so incongruent that the girl just walked away. But the forth time I actually engaged a girl. Kane pointed out that my posture was poor and showed me a photo. So I walked up and stuck my chest out. "Hello, Can you tell me where Starbucks is? She got out here phone and began the "being helpful routine". I was so shocked she stopped, it took a second to say anything. "Wow, your English is so good. I high fived her." "Oh no it's not so good she said." "No I am an English professor" I said "and you speak better than many of my students" (not really, maybe better than 2 of my students.) "Really!" she said. And she kept looking at here phone trying to help and maybe escape the conversation. "I think it is that way" she pointed. "Do you like coffee!" "No " she said. then there was an awkward silence and she said "I have to go" Kane reminded me to ask them "What are you doing here?" or maybe "So what brings you here?" The next 3 sets went about the same way. Except I did ask "So what are you doing here?" A small breakthrough.. I opened a 2 set of girls who were looking at English movies and English flyers. I still opened with the Starbucks line. They both got out there phones. Kane came over and asked "Which girl is the bad girl? I pointed. He boxed the other girl out and my target attempted to reconnect with her friend. "So do you know where Starbuck's is" "Just let me look at my phone." "Wow your English is so good!" I high fived her. "Oh no it;s not." "No really. ...so what are you looking at." I like English movies she said." "Oh cool!" I high fived her again. "No wonder you are so good" I high fived her again. "I am an English professor." "Really!" She softened a bit. "So do you have we chat?" (she had shown no interest yet but being so new maybe I asked to early because she seemed impressed that I am a professor). She did get out her we chat and I scanned her but then she used that as an exit and She went for her friends hand and grabbed her and said "We have to go." I did not do any kino but high 5, I did not remember any stacks and stumbled to find things to say other than. I got a little better at checking my posture (but I quickly forgot and then next night Kane got a photo of me hunched over). Day 1 night game. A bigger breakthrough (with some luck) On the first night at the Zapatas. I look at this now and I think I was lucky. But I did some fairly good things here. She was standing alone with a couple nearby. (Kane reminded me about my posture). I walked up to her and simply said "Hello" "Hi" she said "how are you?" she asked in this British accent I was surprised but this gave me some material. "Wow you speak good English!" "Of course I do" she said. I high fived her. "I Lived in England" she defended. "Oh really" she said. the couple nearby approached her to see if she was ok and they man said something in her ear. "I am fine" she said. then she turned to me and said. "They are just my friends ...I am alone." Just then Kane came up behind me. and said "Put your arm around her." I don't know how Kane sensed this. (now I know because that's Kane but then I thought ...what about the steps hand, elbow shoulder.) I looked at Kane in dismay. Then he did me a big favor. HE moved behind her so she could not see. Here and I were facing each other at a right angle. Kane grabbed my arm and put it around her. I was nervous. To my surprise she snuggled closer. So I held a little tighter. I asked her "Do you want to dance?" "Yes!" she said. We started to dance and then I reached for her waist and pulled her in close. I kept caressing her back and waste and then I decided it was time to try and grind. I had never done that on the dance floor before. Kane asked me if I want to stay after about 20 minutes dancing. (are you kidding I thought / but I am not used to this much progress within 20 minutes / but now I understand why he asked) I told him I wanted to stay. Her friends came back over when we were dancing. Again she told them "I am fine" Then they came back again. She asked my to come outside. She told me she had to go soon but she asked them for 10 more minutes. I asked he for we chat right then because I thought that when her friends come back they will probably grab her. She gave me her we chat and then she said "I have some bad news." I said "what?" "I live in Bejing" she said (we were in Shanghai) I laughed ..... "I have some news too!" "I live in Beijing" "Really?" I was nervous when first approaching this girl. I did pull off a confident hello and I made sure my posture was also strong. I could have done more kino right away but I got lucky with the arm around her. When her friends interrupted I did not know what to do . I got lucky because at this time she was into me (I thought) and she defended staying with me. I think I could have done more with joking about her British accent early on. I asked her out for a date 2 days later. That night she got a little drunk and she kept calling me "Professor" but then she said "Professor I won't sleep with you tonight." "You'll have to wait to get back to Beijing" "I decided not to push it" So we went out in Beijing 2 days after that and banged most of the night. I am not sure if this was the best move but we did go out several times.