Background: After toying with game for a year and a half via the influence of my PUA best friend who lives in LA, and reading The Game and Day Bang, I decided that it was time to get into the community in Asia. I sought out Mr. Vast via a friend who had moved to Mexico and mentioned Kane on my last trip there in Mexico City. I had started the 30 day challenge from "Rules of the Game" and was getting up a bit of momentum but I needed more, faster. Law of attraction right here; send the vibes into the universe and the universe throws it back to you what you need!
Other friends had said to me "dude, why are you doing game, you don't need it. You are already good with girls" and shit like that, but I had dragged my feet long enough. I was not approaching or attracting my ideal type and had just broken up with my girlfriend of 8 years. Thinking of going into bootcamp with 100+ bangs under my belt, and significant negative feedback from AFC friends about game, I had all but convinced myself I didn't need it until this one day that spurred me into action. I was standing in line at a coffee shop, and my ideal type walked in behind me and lined up.....she made eye contact....I smiled and.......nothing......literally nothing......i froze....... all i needed to do was open my damn mouth, and yet I couldn't even think of what to say. I stood there frozen in fear of rejection.....and just let that beautiful creation walk out of there, unscathed. Fuck.
In that moment of clarity, like getting bad results on an STD test (i'm guessing). I said to myself "Dude, get in there, get the structure and control your future with women or you're gonna keep getting the same shit".
Day 1 - Friday Night / Night Game
Lots of learning, and got to open one girl already who was my ideal type. Damn this is awesome. Kane immediately picked up on my fear about too much Kino and some slightly awkward "less than alpha" body language I had going on. He said to me "No more baby tiger"
I remember so clearly on one set that went really well where I had opened the set, isolated then bounced the target while my wing occupied the friends and I stayed in the set for 20-30 minutes. I had strong kino going on, qualification etc. and the girl was just dying to continue the conversation or for me to ask for her number at least, and Kane said "its time to go". Hahah shit that felt crazy. I'm walking away from a girl who wants to bang. She just stared at me blankly like "god i want to see you again, ask for my number damn it!" But, my instructions were clear, no numbers on first night! so I moved on. This girl was probably a 7/10 and normally I would have tried to take that as far as I could go, try to bang, and been really happy with myself. That WAS my status quo, settling for girls who make themselves available, and not the ones that I REALLY WANT.
Another girl that Kane opened on the street outside the club was an awesome learning experience for me. He picked her up right in front of the dude she was with, kino'd her, used "daddy likes" sexualization, seeded with restaurants and got a date with her. Early in the set, Kane also showed me exactly how to deal with the dude in this case, by giving him lots of compliments (face) and essentially neutralizing him. He literally stole the girl from this guy, and the guy couldn't do anything about it.
Some key takeaways from the night: Kino kino and more kino. Body language, neutralize the obstacles. And.....especially girls out at night want to be approached, as long as its the right way!
Day 2 - Day Game
This was probably the most fun I had during the bootcamp. We were in PPLs square and damn the freaks were out! With the cosplay store in the underground area, the hello kitties and kimono kids were everywhere, and with the other nutcases walking around, it was pure entertainment! ( regardless of the fact we were doing game) There was this one psycho in a spiderman outfit on roller skates, shooting imaginary spider webs at random passersby. It reminded me of that Dave Chappelle episode where the homeless guy takes a bus full of people hostage by whipping his dick out and threatening to ejaculate on the civilian passengers, hahah.
So in this session I used mostly my "Pet shop" opener from Day Bang, and got my first couple successful time-bridges. This is where I learned how to begin seeding properly and really seeing how far you can take the first interaction, and all from complete cold opens on the street in broad daylight! It would get better......but harder
Night Game - Le Baron
This.....was pretty terrifying. I had no idea how to open without TALKING. Kane showed me some non-verbal openers, and really pushed me hard. Shockingly (or not), I opened a girl without saying a word by using "Hand of God" opener. Number close, time bridge, done. Amazing. Kane also had me practice more strong kino, sexualization with "strawberry fields" and got my first kiss close. During the night I had a "run-in" with the ex's friends and a girl I had a threesome with previously where she came in screaming and jumping all over me, spilling drinks on Kane. Half proud and half embarrassed, I couldn't help but think "God these are the types of chicks I used to roll with". This really shook me. Worlds colliding...... I was completely out of my comfort zone the whole night. Since I quit drinking a year and a half ago, I had basically not stepped into a night club unless it was with a bunch of friends and no intention on meeting anyone new. By this point I had number closed about 15 times and had two or three dates lined up so the progress was clear....this shit works. Kane assured me that the discomfort would pass the more I I kept pushing on.
Day 3 - Day Game
This was the toughest day in terms of logistics as we were approaching girls walking through XTD, I had a really hard time getting started that day as I was still shattered from the night before and had ended the night feeling pretty uncomfortable. Kane was friendly but put the pressure on to finish strong. I dragged my feet hard through the first few sets and he really caught me off guard when he said "I'm here to watch you open, so lets stop walking so much and go open." Hahah. Smack. Whenever I let a girl out of a set without closing he would say "If the girl had your wallet, would you let her walk away like that?" At one point he actually took my wallet and walked away, lol. Point taken.
This session I used my first direct opener without any conversation first. He basically had me go up to two girls at a restaurant and say "Hey my friend is waiting for me, but I would kick myself if I didn't ask for your number." The girl just smiled and silently applauded my directness and gave me her number. WTF, insanity. So many realizations about what is possible during this bootcamp. Later on I was onto to fulfilling my mission of using my recently crafted "Hero story", which I delivered during a set which I had bounced successfully. So interesting what it does psychologically to the target and to watch her body language and expressions change as the story unfolds. I later seeded and successfully time-bridged in the set.
Day three ended with an awesome sum up at El Luchador and rolled straight into a F close with a girl that I chatted up who had been on my WeChat but I had not been doing the right things to get out and to bang. I loved all the anecdotal stories Kane drip feeds in throughout the bootcamp, where you really get a good idea of what goes on with the guys in the community before transitioning out of the bootcamp. The structure was really good (what I had needed) and the experience one to remember, for sure. I left with the feeling that "This is the beginning of something amazing, a new journey".
The constant learning and feedback in the community, and now doing Saturday Sarge and meeting with other PUAs regularly in the past few weeks has been awesome.
Total sum up from Bootcamp: 22 numbers and 5 time-bridges. A couple of the girls i've gone on first dates with already and am working with the guys now daily in the WeChat groups to get these across the line......Abyss Game here I come!!