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Bootcamp FR: Osaka 07, Fri-Sat. May 18-19

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Field report:


I'll start with the bad stuff....this was really hard at times they

had to really push me to keep plowing, say something, open a set…

quite a bit at the second location. The hardest part was starting, most

of the doing was easy, though I had fairly frequent gaps in my sarge

and made some horrendous mistakes in body language and other things it

did improve continuously. Especial considering how challenging I

found some parts, and my mistakes...I still managed to spend the lions

share of the night caressing, flirting, charming and in some cases

thrilling enough 7+ women that I don't remember them all. P.S. I had

TWO drinks all night. I ask you when was the last time YOU can say

you did that?


5/6 two set on the stairs waiting for the party to open, the I went

straight to qualification after opening and she helped me with the

cell coupon, then followed me around for a while, it worked good on



7/7 2 set Miles opened the table and then us, we joined them and they

were nice and receptive some seats at the table opened as they went to



That's when I saw THEM


a 9/9 2 set what I later found to be the clear top set in the whole place.


I opened simply by inviting them to the table they happily joined me.


I sarged the one sitting beside me for a while, then Tokyo Impulse

returned and I GAVE him the one next to me as I target swapped for the

other one giving me good signals.


We held this sarge with the finest women there for about an hour and a

half while many jealous onlookers saw the action, some tried to blow

us out but our sensei was there to run interference. I had a lot of

keno with this 21 year old hottie who KNEW I was 40 and didn't care as

I petted her, and she cooed. She brought out her smokes (which I

forgot about) and I didn't pull, but instead she picked up on my

changed vibe. We took each other to the bar to get new drinks and my

keno or vibe changed, the sarge stalled there and they left the table

shortly after we got back to it.


No problem:-) we where the center of envy and admiration for 90

minutes while we had the undivided attention of the 2 hottest women

there. Miles said "open more sets your value is high right now", that

we did.


Opened a 6 at the bar easy and probably a close if I wanted it,

friendly kino, but no I am busy opening 7+ sets.


Coming down to the bathroom I missed the one step drop, and almost

fell, turned it into a situation open, and solo engaged this 7/7 2 set

for about 1/2 hour one was definitely into me.


Left to open more sets, met two or three other sets good but nothing

too memorable. Returned to the 7/7 2 set who greeted me warmly, same

one kept kinopinging me. The party was almost over so Miles pushed me

for the number close on this set and another. I number closed the

friendly one...no specific time though, but she will be happy to hear

from me. She commented on how sweet I was and she said " I bet you

get a lot of phone numbers" while she enthusiastically entered hers in

my phone.


Off to another location...after a debriefing from the crew "LDB you

need to... and you did...well"


Arrived to a madhouse this was a much more intense and harder setting

but the guys pushed me into a set of 3 (or more) 8's it was a pretty

short lived sarge and I thought it was a failure. (more later)


Sarged for some drinks ok but not very HQG's. Opened a mixed set at a

table...warm welcome from all, one was keen so Redpole Q sent to

Sarge her a 5 but very receptive and good practice. Stayed about 10

minutes and ejected with a friendly farewell.


Got blown out a few times, mostly 1 sets and/or sets of 6's or lower,

funny that the LQG's where more work, yet they were just for practice



Now at the pool table, I tried a few sarges, short but decent.

Opened this sexy 7 from Okinawa, sarged her for about 1/2 hour, got

fairly far with the sarge...I was amazed how comfortable she was with

me kinoing her, pulled away a bit Redpole Q "pull her back" did and

she went along with it! Guess she didn't mind it too much;-) It

eventually blew out but was the furthest sarge yet!


Tried to blow out three guys in a mixed 6 set of 7's,, my body

language was terrible! Regardless I had (their girlfriends paying

more attention to me than them for a few minutes) even though it was

a terrible blowout on my part.


The crew gave me some good feedback about why that happened and then

pushed me back into a mixed 5 or 6 set with all those 8's in it.

Remember how I THOUGHT I had failed it? Well they welcomed me back

remembered me better than I remembered THEM. Sarged one of them for a

long time, progressed a long ways, first phase shift! I was doing a

"we're getting married routine" and it was working well, we decided

when, where the honeymoon was and where we'd marry;-) Her 8 friend

was into the wedding routine too, and I had her in one arm and the

target in the other (the friend's body pressed comfortably against my

leg. She gave me her blessing and asked to be invited to the wedding!

At one point I time bridged her for sightseeing a temple in Kyoto,

shortly after it blew out. Again not too bad for a guy who thought I

had messed up that sarge walking in the door.


They pushed me into a few more sets most were quick blowouts AGAIN

mostly with one sets or ugly sets.


Time to leave....Tokyo Impulse was gone most of this trip since he

bounced then closed hours ago! Not sure what her face looked like

(she was facing him and just him) but DAMN what I saw was a fine 8 at

least, good for you Tokyo Impulse.


We left and the debriefed me. The asked me what three perceptions

had changed over the night...here are my revised answers after I wrote

my original field report on the way home.


A) One sets tend to be HARDER sarges that 2+ set (no friends to keeps

them comfortable)


B) Sets of women 6 and lower are HARDER to sarge (They are not used

to guys wanting to talk to them except for...unlike hotties who are

always getting guys talking to them)


C) Flip side of above...hot women where MORE receptive as a rule and

where completely comfortable with me touching them, putting my arm

around their waist, pulling them close most times they really enjoyed,

worst case they were indifferent.



Finished the night...how?


Walked into Umeda, got lost :-?, and asked an 8 with those oh so sexy

stockings to help me...she walked me right to my train! Sarged her a

bit didn't progress fast enough (5 ish minutes) to make the number

close. Got on the train opened a 5/5 two set it blew out in about

two minutes (they got off the train!) Again LQG's can be hard, but

you never feel too crushed when 5's walk away;-)



Add on:



I took the bootcamp last Saturday, now on Monday I find myself using what I learn there in teaching English. My degree is in psychology and I have studied many of the techniques and principles they use. But my skill with using them went up enough in one bootcamp that I was able to use it to build rapport with students who I previously had a problem connecting with. By the end of my last class they where laughing and having a great time, guys if you take this camp....it will effect the BIG PICTURE too ie. your ENTIRE social life not just your sex life. These guys teach you something you can use in ALL social settings to build rapport with ANYONE, not just for Sargeing. These are very sound and well established scientifically proven principles that I have know for many years, lacked the skill of USING them, no more:-)


Little Drummer Boy

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