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Everything posted by limelight

  1. Oh c'mon 师父... if you didn't hulk up every time we needed you, we'd still be horrible losers! You are like Master Po to your army of Kwai Chang Caine! I confess I did not document the amount of fun we had with RPQ, but I think the most valuable part of BC is instructions, criticism, advice and PERSISTENCE that RPQ provides.
  2. I feel better that I wasn't the only one who said "I hate you RPQ" during BC I really didn't mean it.
  3. Introductory notes: Dear Entourage. I survived RPQ's BC (albeit just barely) and it feels great to be in the company of men who wants more with their lives and are willing to take steps to obtain "it". This report is a work took a while to complete because I was busy having fun and fulfilling my Chinese New Year obligations over the past two weeks. Acknowledgment: 1. I thank my parents, siblings for being who they are. 2. God, for blessing me always. 3. RPQ for being RPQ, and never giving up on me. I know you are building an army. I'm on to you. 4. Energy (Korea) for being a buddy, for opening my eyes and opening the two models. Rio to Caracas baby! 5. Upshift for being a good friend and BC buddy. All the my ex's. You lying cheating bitches turned me to seek RPQ's help. Thanks, you two no good sluts! All the girls who cared for me, but could not get near my cock. Sorry. I wasn't realised then. Purpose of this report: This BC report is more for me than you guys. I made a career out of documenting others, but now, I'm the hero for a change. I'm the hero for making it through BC. I'm a hero for doing something that resulted in my best weekend ever. Brief background: Identity: 28, Kuala Lumpur, works in a media organisation, Chinese descent, Toaist/Buddhist/Christian Character: Deep thinker, reader, activist, back-bencher, techie, frugal, family orientated, tight social circle, not adventurous, idealistic, conservative (RPQ will vouch for me), not funny, shy, scatter brain, dislike conflict, not fashionable, small-town boy, now leadership qualities, angler, wannabe DJ Physical attributes: Average, tall (for an Asian guy), thin, forget-able, Preference in women: Equal, cooks, loves kids, likes to be eaten, comes easily, enjoys long meaningless conversations, walks in parks/jungle/beach, supports the Malaysian opposition Languages: English, Mandarin, Fujian, Malay, Cantonese (level of proficiency in that order). GFs: Two LTR (2 years and 4 years). Both were horrible after a year. Why I did the bootcamp: 1. I don't want to be lonely. 2. I looked back at my life on my 28th birthday (Dec) and realised that I don't like where I am. 3. I realised that I am more privileged in many ways but I never explored my potential. Road to Bootcamp: A few minutes after turning 28, I scoured the Internet for Bootcamps in Asia. Cost can be prohibitive. RPQ and gang are mentioned in Love System's free forum. RPQ replies queries fast and recommended that I attend the free seminar first. Energy is in Kuala Lumpur for a three-day layover in January. I meet him twice and is convinced that Bootcamp is what I want. Next weekend, I attend the AWAKENING THE MAN SEMINAR in Singapore. I felt like shit after the seminar because RPQ made me REALISE the BAD HABITS that I have been nurturing for so many years. It was uncomfortable, but necessary. The following weekend, I'm in Singapore for BC. It was a difficult choice. Chinese Lunar New Year was the following weekend. Plenty to do and BC cost one and a half months salary. Though there was some hesitation, I figured I want change NOW and bit the bullet. BC Day 1: I'm late. Its my first time on the Singaporean rail. I struggled through the maze of colour coded train lines before I found my hotel in Little India. Its a budget place. Room is about 1.5m x 4m. Smells okay for SG50. RPQ is cool. He did say previously that I can come in a bit later. I meet up with RPQ and (the person now known as) UpShift at Hooters. My advice to all of you: You have no reason to go to Hooters Singapore except for the food. RPQ introduces us to '3 Attraction Switches', 'BT Spike', 'Qualification', 'Kino', 'Opening' and 'Wingman 101'. After some brief theory, we roll. I'm already sweating. I sneak away for a comfort cigarette to lower my heart rate while RPQ is getting Turkish ice-cream, IN A CUP. Haha. This cracks me up. We're in Clarke Quey. Rows of bars and restaurants with plenty of padestrian traffic. RPQ makes us open sets on the street. Though it has been almost a week (when I starting writing this), I can still feel my heart pounding as I walk up to each set, no matter how unattractive they look. I'm insincere, and I'm feeding off my target's goodwill. I'm not really looking for "where's a cool place to party" or needing to know "what time is it". I'm wasting their time unnecessarily. They have invested their time and effort for my practice. Hey, even blowing someone off takes effort. Of course I feel uncomfortable with all this. Right? I start freaking out a little bit on the streets. I'm wrestling with my thoughts. Automatically, my brain tries to shut itself down, the same as it has happened before on other occasions. I start spacing out. The busy surroundings become silent. This is when you need that kick of adrenaline which the body is somehow withholding. RPQ can only get my attention after some considerable effort. Things become worse. RPQ orders me to approach a girl with a huge tattoo on her back. She was sexy, though I only saw her from behind. Lets call her HB Tattoo. The hawtness and tattoo freaks me out. For the first of many times throughout the weekend, I defy RPQ's orders to approach. Fuck. (Props to Upshift for opening this girl later). Not approaching and the disappointed/frustrated look on RPQ's face made me feel worse. RPQ orders me to approach this four-set. I approach for venue recommendations. The hottest of the four responds. Mission accomplished. I eject, but RPQ wants me to stay in longer. Work on BT spikes. Hottest girl comes back to us with more recommendations. That's so sweet. RPQ vibes with her group. Its hens night. Congratulates the bride to be. They laugh at his casual jokes. This guy is smooth. I tell myself to be like RPQ. But I'm wrestling with internal demons. We roll over to Attica (a club). More drama from me when RPQ tries to make me talk to two promoters dressed as slutty flight attendants. I know they are paid to be friendly, but I still freak out. Not good. He spins me around a few times and push me forward. Set opens. Girls laugh. Ran out of things to say. Eject. RPQ is not pleased. Inside Attica, we do a 'Walkthrough'. Club is huge. Plenty of expats. Very loud. We head to the smoking lounge and I'm forced into opening a four set of white girls, two of which were taller than me. I can't remember what the hell I said, but for the first time in the night, I'm getting some valuable information out of my targets. They are Swedish. They don't like Kuala Lumpur. Bitch! They are polite. I notice people watching this scrawny badly dressed Chinese guy talk to two or three girls at a time. I run out of things to say. I eject. RPQ is LIVID! RPQ: Why did you leave? LL: I ran out of things to say RPQ: Get back in there! LL: (spacing out) RPQ: You are wasting my time! LL: (About turn and goes back in) The above scenario happens a few more times that night. I don't remember much of it. I just leave perfectly good sets because I thought I ran out of things to say. I also thought it was weird that pretty women were talking to me, let alone having a few of them laugh. This just doesn't happen to me in my (old) world. I freak out so bad that RPQ actually allows me to take (just one) cigarette break. I find a corner and search for an exit. "I gotta get out of here!". No luck. Fuck! This night, I actually hoped that I get blown out so I don't have to stay in my discomfort zone. The Singaporean girls are familiar with this, but not proficient. The Asian's who don't speak much English shuffle away. The Caucasian girls were really sporting and blow me out with plenty of tact, which I found amusing. I 'miss' sets by taking too much time to reach them, or just stall - standing stationary and spacing out. RPQ does a couple of epic Face Palms (both hands sliding down face, pulls lower eyelids). I hate to be an ass, but I wish I recorded it on video. Epic I tell you! One set, where I go in as a wingman goes relatively well. Upshifts mixes up who the bad girl was and I ended up talking to the prettier one. The only reason why I stayed in set was because I wanted to give Upshift time to game his girl. My girl talked about her 'husband', but later, we find out from Upshift's girl said that pretty girl was not married. Interesting. As the night closes, I felt so relieved that I could finally take a breather, but at the same time I felt like shit. I knew I wasted my time and could have put in more practice. We debrief at Subway. RPQ is no longer talking like drill sergeant. Thank god. But I still feel like shit for stalling all the time. RPQ: (mimicking LL) 'Oh my god! RPQ is making me talk to hot chicks who are laughing with me! This is weird! Make RPQ stop!' LL: (silence) Conclusion: Really difficult getting off the opener, mostly due to need for quick eject. In cases where I could not eject, it was, not that difficult to just keep yapping. With a bit of confidence, I can get off the opener convincingly. Day 2 (Part 1/2): Can hardly sleep due to disappointment (with myself), anxiety and stress. We head to Orchard Road for day-game and classroom. We talk 'BF-GF dynamics', 'Comfort', 'P.I.E.', 'Day Game', 'Time Bridging', 'Seeding', 'Bounce', and 'Non-verbal communications of 3 Attraction Switches' (i like this one). We roll along Orchard Road. I managed to stop a moving two-set talking while walking and slowing down to a halt. Interesting. We do intersection/traffic light/zebra crossing pickup. Interesting! HIGHLIGHT: I spot an absolutely hottie sitting by herself on a bench. RPQ has that evil look and asked "Do you like her?" and I nod a proud school boy who knew his multiplication table well. Drama ensued when RPQ made me open her. I get off the opener and unlike many sets before, she doesn't have GET LOST written on her face. She is just waaaaaaay to pretty, so I eject prematurely. RPQ is furious. He wants me to re-open her. Then all hell breaks lose. I'm sweating. My mouth is dry. I'm spacing out. I hear white noise. I stop breathing. (All this drama over a hottie? WTF!). RPQ spends a good 10-minutes trying to convince me and I beg him to lower his voice. People are watching! I want to smoke/go to the toilet first. I beg him. "I'll stay longer on the next set". But RPQ would have none of it! RPQ wasn't going to let me off. I grit my teeth and re-open her. I take careful notice of her meticulously drawn mascara, the glitter on her fake lashes, those C-cups threatening to burst out of her blouse and those lucious full lips. Then I run out of things to say and bid goodbye. RPQ is pleased. He had helped me pull through. LL: I HATE YOU RPQ! I HATE YOU! RPQ: Good. You are suppose to hate me. LL: HIGHLIGHT: During debrief, I again make the excuse of having nothing to say for ejecting all the time. RPQ throws a packet of table sugar at me and gets me to start talking about sugar. I still can't believe that I managed to get two guys listening intently about me talking about sugar for ten minutes. Realisation: Just talk, for now. Day 2: Part (2/2) Class is in session in Clarke Quay Maccas. Guy on next table stares at RPQ for saying something about COCK really loud. I'm feeling better this time. Less anxiety. Don't really care if people listen in on us, for once. For this session, we cover 'Phase shifting', 'Sexualisation', 'Triangular Gazing', 'SF' and 'QGame'. The two 'Flight Attendants' from the night before shows up unexpected. I kinda re-open by gesturing to one of them about their uniform. They respond. They park themselves right next to our table. I thought they were fuck-able until I noticed they were eating two burgers each. Didn't they watch 'Supersize Me'? Again, RPQ does that evil eye thing and demo's SF on the prettier of the two, but not before some banter and mild BT spikes. Prettier girl (Skateboarder) talks about how she SWALLOWS the Strawberry. Hilarious! She's all DDB and RPQ kinos her arm when he spots the skateboarding scars. We roll to this place called Butter Factory (but not before getting lost). This place is fucking LOUD. Our mission was to Time Bridge and possibly set up a Day 2. For me, this was all going way to fast. From the opening set, RPQ sets up our arms around girl's waists. He teaches us how to pull them in. AWESOME! I really expected to be slapped, but it didn't happen. For some stupid reason, I start doing the space-out thing again. RPQ goes ballistic! The rest is a blur. I cannot remember much other than RPQ talking really loud and people looking. My only respite was when HB11 walked by and RPQ paused, albeit briefly. Highlight of the night: RPQ wonders if we'll bump into Skatechick and friend again. While we were trying to hail a cab back in Clarke Quay at 5am, there she was! She yelps, gets up and RUN into RPQ's arm! Reality shattered. We call it a night. Conclusion: Clubs are a bitch. I hate the environment. Why should I have to shout to talk to girls? Its bad enough that my legs are shaking on their own. I don't need huge speakers to help me. But hot girls go to clubs. There are legitimate reasons to kino early. In some cases, they want to be picked up. Day 3: Day 3 was more relaxed since it was at Sentosa Beach. RPQ's main mission was to teach us about story-telling and make us open a few sets. Awesome. HBunderage which RPQ opened a few days ago joins us. She never once questioned what the fuck was going on. Amazing control by RPQ. Class is at a beachside cafe. HB Ten Commandments notices our story telling try-outs and accepts RPQ's offer to join our table. WTF? Now I have to tell a story with TWO strangers present? LMAO! (Note: Ten Commandments girl was reading some book about religious discourse and had two large earrings with 10 tiny crosses inside, five on each side. Boy... did I want to bang her, with her earrings on. *clink clink* Jesus! *clink clink* Oh God! *clink* Joseph! *clink clink* Yoda! *clink clink clink* Tyler Durden!) I hit the beach with RPQ, leaving HBunderage and Ten Commandments with Upshift. Upshift really looked like he wants to repent. He wanted Ten Commandments to save him from damnation. He looked like he really wanted Ten Commandments to wrap her huge mouth around his dick and suck all the sin out of him. LMAO. Beach is devoid of people. I open a hired gun and some no-speak-English chick. Hired gun responds well, but again, I eject prematurely. Fuck, fuck, FUCK! Back at the cafe, Upshift is still trying to get Ten Commandments to save him. I mime the words "clink clink". RPQ orders me to head to the nearest bar and open some sets. But right outside the cafe, I spot a two set, reading a map on a rock. I cheated myself out of AA by choosing not to look at their faces and approach from their left. Out came the lamest opener ever. "Are you guys lost?" BOOM! I just cold approached my first set of the weekend WITHOUT any prodding from RPQ. "I'm proud of you," he tells me later. Those words will stick with me forever. I high five them for being foreigners like me. They are from Japan. The fairer one is cute. Just the type I like. Big eyes, shoulder lenght hair and a heart-melting kawaii smile. Lets call her HBKawaii. I notice English is going to be a problem. I rope in RPQ hoping that his Japanese skills can help. RPQ orders me to bounce all of them. Here, all my training, all RPQ's shouting, finally fell into place. I did a lot of leading and positioned myself next to her while we walked. Put in as much accidental kino as possible. Thank god Upshift finished with Ten Commandments (but wasn't able to be saved) to walk with the other girl. (I still can't believe that I found a girl hot because of the religious symbol on her ears. I'm a sick bastard) We reach the bar. HBunderage hasn't joined us. RPQ orders us to move along. Finally, my first breakthrough of the day - I actually know what stage I'm in. I tell myself that I've gotten past ATTRACTION and now its time to QUALIFY. Marriage routine kicks in. It goes uber well. I find out about what she is studying, her dreams and where is her ideal honeymoon location. This routine is gold. We bounce to the ice-cream bar. I held her as we chose flavours together. I bought a single cup, with two scoops for two flavours. "So we can share," I tell her. She likes the idea. We sit and I sit as close to her as possible. Upshift is still struggling with flavours. Haha. I ask Kawaii what would she do with a million dollars. Gold! She volunteers more info. I make her show me her travel pix in her camera. Fingers touch while we fondle with her camera. Yay! RPQ and Underage shows up. This part gets really interesting. RPQ gives me real time instructions. How you may ask? He friggin kicks me under the table to get my attention! Though I hate conflict, any physical provocation is good enough to set me up for a take down followed by a joint lock. RPQ defuses me by whispering "SF". Yes sir! No eye-contact during SF, but she seemed to enjoy it. I would come to know in two days that her answers were pretty accurate. HIGHLIGHT: Kawaii is qualifying me a bit. Nice. Then she scoops ice-cream on a biscuit and stuffs it in my mouth. Cue heart-melting experience. I couldn't see it, but I knew RPQ smiled. By this time, I've done everything RPQ had thought me over the weekend, including seeding, setting up a time bridge and getting a #close. I bid her farewell when she needed to catch the Sentosa light show and promised to call her when she arrives in Malaysia, but that story is for another post. If RPQ can design an iPhone or Blackberry software to guide a sarge every step of the way like he did that day, he will be rich. We debrief at a nice restaurant back in Singapore. We were dressed in beach clothes and was loud as fuck because we are here to CELEBRATE! RPQ: Give me a lychee martini. I deserve this after spending a weekend with these two. LL & Upshift: LMAO! Can't remember much about what happened during dinner. I was happy, but really tired. It was just loads of fun talking about life, allmuslimblowjobs.com and how I like sugar with my pasta. LL: You are a life coach. RPQ: (stretches those thick lips into a smile) Conclusion: We didn't open a lot of sets on Day 3, but this day had a crucial lesson. We finally managed to do basic things right and went through the entire model, albeit sloppily. Heck, me and Upshift finally managed to do some decent winging. Huge props to Upshift for keeping the other girl company while I was busy.
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