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sexual kimchi

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Everything posted by sexual kimchi

  1. Hi About me: Sexual Kimchi. 29. White, male, Canadian. Currently in an LTR. I'm an aspiring PUA living in Seoul. I've been in Korea for 4.5 years but only speak elementary Korean. I am a student and English teacher. Prior to this, I had little experience with pick up and approaching women. For the last 2 - 3 years, I've been a serial monogamist, meaning I have continually had different LTRs while rounding up other potential relationship material. I'd read The Game and seen some of David Angelo's stuff. I was tentative going into the bootcamp. I am slow in opening up to people. Also, I'm an introvert (in the Jungian sense) and I was worried about how much energy all of this socializing would take. Would I be able to keep up? I had attended the sexual mastery seminar on the prior weekend. This FR is not meant to be a complete account of the bootcamp I attended this weekend. It is more of an experimental record of what went on. There is no way I could recall every set I was in. There were 6 students and 2 trainers (Allusion and RedpoleQ) Nov 16 Night 1 The evening started off in Hakdong McDonalds with a massive 4 hour information dump. We got to know each other and learned the first 3 stages of TOC structure. I got a fairly direct but fair critique of how I communicate from Allusion and RedpoleQ. We opened a few sets in McDonald's for the hell of it. After that, we hit Club Circle. Circle is a western style club that attracts the high end of Korean society. Beautiful women, Korean guys with money, a few foreign professional types, and some miscreants like us. I was pushed into set after set after set. Chaos ensued. Some girls hooked right away, others blew me out, most I had to work to keep their attention and the social momentum going. Essentially, I had no plan beyond opening. I would go into a set, open it, and then throw whatever I could remember from the stack, followed by some fluff talk. The instructors were constantly on me to do more kino, which worked amazingly well. I met one really nice girl while running obstacle game for someone else. We go to the same University. She was very receptive. In retrospect, knowing what I know now, she was practically asking me to close her. Oh well. The lesson of the night was that going into a set and not having a plan is not good. We did the wrap up thing around 4 AM. Nov 17 Day 1 The day started a little late in a cafe in Myeong dong. Everyone was bagged from the last night. The info dump session was much shorter; we learned one more phase of TOC structure and talked about day game. After that, it was in to opening sets. I took a breather in the middle of all of this to sit down and write out a personal stack. Things went much more smoothly after that. I ran The Cube a couple times, and got a universally positive response. The ladies loved it. I also told my Andre Kim opener/story a couple of times, which went down well. Unfortunately, I didn't meet anyone very interesting. We had a short wrap up and went our separate ways. I was bagged but feeling good with my shiny new stack and a little more confidence. I went home and took a nap... Night 2 Fuck. I woke up an hour late, and had to haul ass to Circle. Then the subway closed and I had to compete for cabs with a hundred other people in sub zero weather. I missed the info dump and went straight into the club. Once inside, the night went better than the last night. It was less chaotic and more fun. Some of the other guys had worse nights because the vibe was different. People were more drunk, more aggressive, and in larger groups. I had to plow more. I was much more aggressive with my kino, which continued to be bombtits. I had strange guys trying to break up one of my sets. Winging became more important, with BlueMystery doing some awesome obstacle game for me. At one point, I saw him engaging two AMOGs while keeping the obstacle from my 2 set engaged. I met one really interesting girl that evening, HB8 PR. Tall, interesting girl, really well spoken. Unfortunately, I only got 5 minutes with her before her party pulled her away. Damn it. She gave me a huge IOI on the way out though. I couldn't connect with her for the rest of the night. I continued to work my new stack. I made up some openers, opened with kino, and just had a better all around night. By the end of the night, I was pretty much outcome independent. I didn't care about getting shot down or blown out. There were always 10 more sets behind this one. It is a nice feeling. We did the post coital thing and I was in bed by 5 AM. Nov 18 Day 2 I woke up on Sunday with a certain amount of dread in my heart. I don't know why, but I really didn't want to come out for day game. I did anyway and we met up at the same cafe in Myeong dong. I got a little pep talk from RedpoleQ and opened a pristine 2 set by the window. I did my Andre Kim opener/story and went into my stack. My target, HB8 Nurseypoo, hooked but started handing me shit tests about approaching strangers, so I gave myself a time constraint, which calmed her down. I was surprised when another PU trainee appraoched the set, switched targets, and gave him HB Nurseypoo. My new target was HB7, still very cute, and more receptive than the new obstacle. I did some qualification and ran The Cube on HB7. She ate it up. I time bridged but she seemed a little reluctant, maybe because I hadn't seeded it at all. I don't have a day2 planned yet. Anyway, I managed to @close her. My wing, meanwhile, was charming the pants off HB Nurseypoo. She was into it and he #closed her. Damn it. After that set, we went out for street game. I opened a bunch of sets walking in parallel but nothing hooked. It didn't help that it was fricking freezing out. We reconvened at a donut place and did the post coital thing again. I got a lot of good feedback from the instructors. Conclusion: I would rate the bootcamp as an excellent experience. It is tough but worth it. The Bootcamp plus sexual mastery seminar is excellent value for money. Even though TOC are from Japan, everything they teach is applicable to Korean game. It would have been nice to have 1 more instructor, but they went from 2 to 6 trainees the week before, so it is understandable. Awesome weekend.
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