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Everything posted by Rebel0712

  1. Thought of an idea to tease her on her superior texting skills: Fixin' to make a bingo chart with all her most commonly used words/phrases and then randomly text BINGO! throughout the day.
  2. What's good y'all? Just moved to Taiwan two Saturdays ago, and I must say, judging from the very positive attention I've received from females in this country compared to Korea (even if they aren't as pretty), I plan to stay here for a while. I've already banged a Taiwanese girl within a week of me being here, but there are still some issues which I need some assistance with. But first, the story: Met the girl on OkCupid. We'll call her HB Princess Novelist (the name is meant to be sarcastic because, even though she's on her smart phone religiously, her replies RARELY exceed 1 word). Chatted her up on OkCupid and Skype over the course of the week. Honestly, I got annoyed REALLY quickly because, regardless of how much I teased and called her out for her boring, lacking texting skills which may be on par with one of my kindergarten students, she never invested proportionately enough. 95% of her texts consist of one of the following: hey, yup, lol, no, nah, etc. But here's the odd part: Once she got my Skype ID, she started video calling me VERY FREQUENTLY. She would call me during her lunch breaks, while she was leaving her office after work, and as she would walk to restaurants. She seemed to have this princess complex to her (not surprising with Asian girls) because she behaved like a spoiled rotten child. She was definitely more chatty over video chat - albeit still somewhat bitchy - but nonetheless renewed my interest. In fact, she even invited me to come spend the following Saturday over at her stomping grounds in Hualien (east coast Taiwan). It almost never happened, because she wanted me to take the 8:00 AM train that morning, but didn't say AM in the text, so I assumed she meant PM. Around 10 AM, she got upset when she found out I missed that train, and even said she wouldn't meet me when I told her I'd take the next one. Fortunately, I cajoled her to change her mind, bought the 2:00 PM ticket out of Taipei, and was on my way. She picked me up at the train station in her mom's car. It was really awkward at first; I tried to start conversation, but like her texting style, she wouldn't contribute much at all. Teasing her about it and other things lightened the atmosphere up a bunch and, over the next few hours, started to open up. We went for pizza and I had a few beers with dinner; she never had one sip of booze the entire night. Naturally, I start talking more, and I run kino and talk about traveling and other stuff (btw, on a scale of 1 to 10 concerning English proficiency, with 10 being most proficient, I'd rate her an 8, though I never would've deduced that from her texting). Several times throughout the course of the evening, I accused her of seducing me, and that made her laugh the most. Now, all of a sudden, her body language is leaning more towards me, we're all touchy-feely and comfortable with one another. At one point, I even pointed to some dorky dude in the restaurant, told her that he was her soul mate, grabbed her arm and ushered her to go introduce herself. Always works. We left the restaurant and tried to go to the beach because she wanted to lay down. We pass by a porn store which allowed us to talk more freely about sex and joking about how we should rent a porno. By the time we get to the beach parking lot, she changes her mind, and says she'd rather lay down "somewhere else", chill and watch a flick. Naturally, I offer my hotel room, on the condition she wouldn't try any funny business We get there just relax and watch Superman. We're on the same bed laying next to each other. I try to pillow fight with her but she's not having it. I managed to wrestle with her a little bit. Then I engage her in a staring contest inches away from her face, and told her to promise me she wouldn't kiss me no matter what. She couldn't go for more than a few seconds before she died laughing. Finally we start making out passionately. She goes into the bathroom and emerges half naked and tells me to do the same. I come out in a towel and we start going at it like rabbits. Learned that she doesn't like being on top and is pretty damn submissive. Afterwards, a few hours go by and we chat a little bit and get to know each other. She reveals that she acts like a bitch to most people because she is very cautious about who she lets into her life (don't really remember the reason why). She says she's shy over text and doesn't really like communicating over it. She claims that she doesn't want a lot of attention over text (which I don't believe for one second because, as of this Tuesday, she still asks about my day, and when I don't respond, she writes a bunch of "?" marks over text). She has VERY few friends and has a lot of issues with her mother as of late. Then, after a few hours of making out, we go at it again. Over the course of the night, she reveals some really personal stuff, like how she's basically dated a bunch of Western guys and even lost her v-card while over in California. She wasn't as tight as the many Korean girls I've been with. She even slept with a married man. She claims she now wants a LTR because she wants to be stable. The next day, we talk about things to do the next time we see each other. We talk about our bucket list and how she's always wanted to skydive/bungee jump. I say to her that if she's really adventurous as she claims, she'll hold to her word and commit to it. We've effectively time bridged for a meet up this weekend or next. She drives me back to the train station and we part ways. Here's where this issues I mentioned earlier surface: She STILL fails to contribute anything substantial over text; nothing has changed. I send her videos for her to watch to keep her entertained and mostly all I get is "lol". I really don't understand this girl's angle. I even specifically addressed this that night we met up, that she would have to put forth more effort if she wanted us to keep dating. It just bothers me that she doesn't text much, and when I don't feel like I should reply, she wonders why and doesn't seem to notice her own mistakes. Any thoughts on how I should proceed from here on out would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading until the very end! TL;DR Met a Taiwanese girl in person from OkCupid and banged her despite being aloof and boring during text conversations. She hasn't changed and I would like advice on whether I should even proceed further (she fucks well).
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