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The New One-Minute Manager - Reading Notes

French Ben

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A guy had seen many tough managers whose organization seem to when will the people working there lost. I heard the pride and their voices and their interest in results. The young man also met many nice managers whose people seem to win while their organizations lost.  I heard the pride in their voices in their interest in people. 


The most effective managers manage themselves and the people they work with so that both the people and the organization profit from their presence. 

Since speed is a currency of success now, leading with collaboration is far more effective than the old command and control system.  

How do you lead with collaboration? 

I meet with my team once a week. I listen as our group analyzes what they have achieved, the problems they had, what remains to be accomplished and their plans and strategies to get those things done. 

The purpose of the meeting is for people to participate in making key decisions about what they're going to do next.  


People who feel good about themselves produce good results 

The one-minute manager doesn't think decisions for other people. He asks people to make decisions by themselves. 


One-minute goals 

The new manager needs to spend very little time with his employees. The beginning of one-minute management is setting one-minute goals.  For example, instead of setting our goals for us, he listens to our input and works side-by-side with us to develop them.  

After we agree on our most important goals, each goal is described on one page. We write what needs to be done and what due date. It should take no more than a paragraph or two. So it can be read and reviewed in about a minute. 

We only write three to five goals. 


Conversation with his assistant: 

-I have a problem.  

-Good that's what you've been hired yourself. One of your goals for the future is for you to identify and solve your own problems.  

- I can’t really describe the problem 

- Then tell me what people are doing or not doing that is causing the problem. 

- xx 

- That's good. Now tell me what you would like to be happening” 

- I don’t know 

- Call me back when you know. A problem is a difference between what is actually happening and what you desire to be happening. If you cannot tell what you would like to be happening then you don't have a problem yet 

- Well I wanted X and got Y 

- What could you do ? 

- A 

- Would that bring the result you want? 

- No 

- Then it’s a lousy situation. What else could you do? 

- B. 

- Would that produce the expected outcome? 

- Not really 

- Then it’s a lousy solution. What else could you do? 

- I could do A now, B next week and C in 2 weeks. 

- Great. You’re good, Teresa. Remember that, next time you have a problem. 


To set a one-minute goal: 

  1. Plan it together with the people doing it 

  1. Have them write 3 to 5 goals on a single page 

  1. Ask them to review their most important goal every day 

  1. Encourage people to ask whether their behavior matches their goals 

  1. If not, encourage them to re-think what they’re doing  



One-minute praisings 

They are very clear crystal feedback on how well the employees are doing. He said I had talent and he wanted to keep me. He also wanted me to enjoy my work and to be a big help to the organization.  

When I started working here, I noticed that after my manager and I set our one-minute goals, he stayed in close contact. He would look at various data that shows how I was doing. And he required me to send him reports of my progress. 

Help people reach their full potential. Catch them doing something right 

The praising doesn't take a lot of time because it only takes a minute. Especially in the beginning, try to catch them doing something right. I know when I get a praising that I have earned it. I have seen how it builds confidence, which turns out to be very important. 

Plus, it saves the manager’s time. I do the same with the people on my team, so they can also become more capable. You connect one-minute goals to praise things, which brings out the best in people. 

The first half-minute  

  1. Praise praise people as Soon as possible 

  1. Let people know what they did right. Be specific 

  1. Tell people how good you feel about what they did right and how it helps 


4.  Pause for a moment to allow people time to feel good about what they have done. 

The second half minute  

5.  Encourage them to do more of the same 
6.  Show you have confidence in them and report their success 

When people leave than one-minute manager, we usually give them their own operation. He is our best developer of people. Whenever we have an opening and need a good manager, we call him. He always has somebody who is ready. 

One-minute redirects 

Praising people doesn't always work if it is not combined with redirect to correct mistakes when they occur. 

Today we need to get more done sooner with fewer resources. And people want to find more satisfaction and value in their work. If I make a mistake, my manager is quick to respond. First, he makes sure he has made the goal that we have set clear. If it does not, he takes responsibility for that and clarifies the goal. 

As soon as he becomes aware of the mistake, he confirms the fact with me and we review what has been wrong. He's very specific. That he tells me how he feels about the mistake and its possible impact on our results, sometimes in no uncertain terms. Then he's quiet for a few seconds to let it sink in. That quiet pause turns out to be surprisingly important. 


In the second part of the redirect he reminds me that I am better than my mistake and that he has confidence and trust in me. 

The redirect only takes about a minute and then when it is over, it is over. 

He encourages us to speak up if you notice he may be mistaken about something. It does not happen often, but he says it helps in preventing an error he might make in the future. 

The first half minute  

  1. Redirect people as soon as possible 

  1. Confirm the facts first and review the mistake together. Be specific 

  1. Express how you feel about the mistake and its impact on the results 


4.  Be quiet for a moment to allow people time to feel concerned about what they have done 

The second half minute 

5. Remember to let them know that they are better than their mistake and that you think well of them as a person 
6. Remind them that you have confidence and trust in them and support their success 
7Remember that when the redirect is over, it is over. 


The best minute I spend is the one I invest in people 

 it is ironic that most companies spend so much of their money on people's salaries and yet they spend only a small fraction of their budget to develop people. In fact, most companies spend more time and money on maintaining their buildings, technology and equipment and they do on developing people. 

In organizations that worked in, I often didn't know what I was supposed to be doing. Nobody bothered to tell me. If you ask me whether I was doing a good job, I would say either I don't know or I think so. 


Why one-minute goals work 

A very troublesome employee happened to be very happy when he played bowling. What made him so happy? What gave him this excitement that he didn't have at work? That is because he knew where the bowling pins were and how to aim at them. Many managers assume wrongly that the people know what to aim for. 

When you assume that people know what is expected of them, you are creating an ineffective form of bowling game where the players do not see the pins. It's like playing golf at night. It's like watching team sports when the teams do not know how to score. 

The number one motivator of people is feedback on the results. They want to know how they are doing. 

Feedback is the breakfast of champions. Unfortunately, even when some managers learn the feedback on the results of the number one motivator of people, they usually set up a performance review after three months. It's like playing bowling and knowing the score only 3 months later. Most people do not know how they are doing until they go through their performance review and discover all the things that they didn't do right. 

Managers do this because they do not want to be seen as a soft touch - someone who cannot discriminate between good performance and poor performance. They feel that they look soft if everyone in the team gets the maximum grade. 

 In reality, it would be better to set it up so that everyone has a chance to be a winner. 

Everyone is a potential winner. Some people are just disguised as losers. Do not let their appearances fool you 

You can either hire a winner or someone with the potential to be a winner. Then you help that person to become a winner. 

Each goal should be described on one page including due dates. This way people can review their goals daily and check their performances. They should only write down their major goals and responsibilities and not every aspect of their job. 

Take a minute to look at your goals. Then look at what you were doing and see if it matches your goals 


Why one-minute praising works 

When you teach a child to walk, you do not spank him the first time he falls down. On the contrary, you encourage them even if he only takes one step. To help people become winners, you should catch them doing something approximately right in the beginning. 

Most managers wait until people do something exactly right before they praise them. As a result, many people never get to become High performers because their managers concentrate on catching them doing things wrong. 

Punishment does not work when you use it with someone who is learning. Rather than punish inexperienced people who are still learning, we need to redirect them. 

In the beginning, always try to notice situations where you can give a legitimate one-minute praising.  For example, you can say You are a very enthusiastic and receptive learner. That makes me feel good about sharing my knowledge with you” 


Why one-minute redirect works 

Many managers gunnysack their feedback. They store up observations of poor behavior until frustration builds. 

When performance review time comes, these managers are angry in general because their sack is really full. So, they charge in and dump it all at one time. 

Many parents and spouses do that too. People usually end up disagreeing about the facts, or they simply keep quiet and become resentful. Often, the person receiving the feedback becomes defensive. They do not know what they have done wrong. 

If managers addressed things earlier, they could deal with one behavior at a time and the person would not be overwhelmed. That's why performance review should be an ongoing process, not something you do only once a year. 

The good manager deals fairly and clearly with one behavior at a time, so the person receiving the feedback can hear it. You want to get rid of the bad behavior but keep the good person, so you do not attack the person just because they have made a mistake. The goal is not to tear people down, but to build them up. 

When you walk away, you want the person aware and concerned about what they did, instead of turning to a co-worker and talking about how they were mistreated or what they think of your leadership style. 


Give the redirect first. Don't be nice and tough be tough and nice.  

In that order. If you were first tough on the behavior and then supportive of the person, it works better. 

One coach told his player: you are missing easy shots, you are not grabbing any rebounds, and you are loafing on the fence. I am angry with you because you do not look like you were even trying. He waited for a moment and then added you are better than that you need to sit on the bench until you were ready to play the way that you are capable off. 

 After a while, the player stood up and said I'm ready to go, coach. 

He answered “Then get back in there and show me what you can do. 


Tell people what they did wrong, tell them how you feel about it, and remind them that they are better than that. 

 There is respect and caring behind a redirect. Your job is to show people how to manage themselves and enjoy it. You want them to succeed when you were not around. People do not work for youthey work with you. I do not believe anybody ever works for anybody else. Deep down, people like to work for themselves.  




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