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Count Stackula

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  1. What was the conversation.. what did you say right before you escalated the kino? Maybe the kino was incongruent to the situation. You need to get her temperature up first.
  2. After an initial rough start to gaming in South Korea, and a 9 month relationship, I’ve decided to jump back into the game with the goal of moving to the higher echelon of K-girls. For this reason, I decided to take RedPoleQ’s approach mastery bootcamp in Seoul. I was hesitating whether to take the bootcamp, but something that RPQ said during our first meet rang a bell. Basically, it was something like “the only way you’re going to get your ideal girl is to go after those kind of girls” and that’s what this is about for me. Friday Night On Friday night, we went to Itaewon, and I was pushed into some outdoor approaches, in which I crashed and burned awkwardly. As the “Animal” my BC bro said in his post, RPQ always had an answer. Set 1: “No speakie the English”: Lesson: don’t follow a girl’s conversational thread if it’s not leading anywhere. Get off the English topic. Set 2: “Hot smoker girl”: I should have sat down next to her while she was smoking rather than hover over her. Body positioning is another key lesson I learned repeatedly over the weekend. I went through a few more awkward sets at Thursday Party, and then at Glam before things started to click a bit. A few tips on body positioning for opening helped and I was finally able to get into sets. I was starting to have fun. Plus, I saw my BC mate Animal killing it with the BT spikes so I had to keep up. Saturday Day-Game First stop was Coffee Bean where I opened two sets. I really enjoyed these sets, although I made one mistake. During my second approach, I targeted an HB6 but when I walked to her table, I saw she had a bag on the opposite seat and also had another girl at her table. I didn’t want to deal with that, so I just walked by and sat down next to an HB4. This relates back to a lesson I learned from RPQ and Vision on expected value. I will get almost zero value from talking to the HB4 girl, so a small percent chance with an HB6 is actually a better choice. It’s hard to explain it all here, but if you want to learn about expected value and dating, take the boot camp.  Second stop was Gangnam street game. It was hectic picking up on the street, but kind of fun also. I had a nice approach with an HB8, who let me walk next to her and use her umbrella when it was drizzling. I was so nervous to get even that far, that when the conversation stalled, I looked for an out. RPQ pushed me back in and I continued the conversation. The key point is to push yourself until failure (don’t quit early) – this is actually the same approach I use in weightlifting and it works for that. I think it makes sense for game too. Saturday Night-Game Not surprisingly, Octagon was a treasure trove of poontang. The good vibes were flowing from the weekend, and I had more success than usual at Octagon. In fact, I was able to open and hook the majority of the sets. The key things RPQ taught me about opening and BT spikes were working. However, I was now struggling with seeding, time bridges, bouncing – basically, wasn’t adept at moving things forward after the open. Still the fact I was able to hook HB sets at Octagon is a definite motivation to keep working at it. Sunday Day-Game I was pretty exhausted throughout the weekend, but things started to calm down by Sunday. We went to COEX, and although single girls were scarce, I was able to get my reps in. The issues I had the first night with opening were mostly fixed, and things were a lot smoother now. Even when I failed, it just felt less awkward than before. I had one really nice pick-up in the bookstore with an HB7, which made my day. RPQ teaches a framework to work on pick-up and dating. While, it’s impossible to master it in three days, he gives you enough tools to get to work and refine your craft. Best of all, he and the other guys are cool dudes, which makes for a fun weekend. Weekend Stats: Approaches: 35 (probably closer to 45, but can't remember some) Hook rate: 51.4% Number close rate: 22.9% *excluding sets I can’t remember -Count Stackula
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