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Everything posted by Don

  1. Compared to your otaku ass at the time it was back in the fucking stone age.
  2. Gosh... why is everyone copying meeeee!
  3. He actually did SF on someone in a bus full of gay guys heading to the Ageha Muscle Beach event during my bootcamp. Imagine the sexual tension in the cabin. HAHAH!!! uh oh, I need to worry about this guy then. I don't wanna wake up with his dick up my ass. BlueM Not too keen on riding the Redpole eh?
  4. What is funny is that I actually was in that two set with Ren about a month ago. She kept saying how she hated my hat and thought I looked cooler with out it. Now if there was not an overwhelmingly like of my hat from other females, I would listen but I think this girl was just angry she could do nothing to get me. I also think I accidentally negged her by giggling when she said she works at cosco. She wouldn't stop with the hat comments so I just told her "Look my hat is sexy. I am more attracted to it than you. If you don't like it you can fuck off." Fast forward a month later and Hunter calls me into the set. I see her face, she sees mine and panic sets in for both of us before I run off and get RedpoleQ to throw someone else in there that didn't tell her to fuck off before. Yet another reason not to go to Muse...
  5. Haha yeah I wish I could have rolled out with you guys but I have been under the weather the past two days. Sleep hasn't been easy lately for some reason.
  6. We didn't do anything. We gave you a map and told you to go. You did it all yourself. Mad props man and welcome to the Tribe.
  7. This weekend will have been the third or fourth time that I have rolled out with Pickup Asia as an approach coach. This time around, something was different however. I can’t put a finger on it. I can only describe it as epic. Even as an approach coach, the weekend was a whirl of emotions. All the sets I witnessed congealed together into one amazing experience, and what a trip it was. I saw one guy come to us on Thursday, sucking the very life force out the air around him. I don’t like being metaphysical/new age but it actually made me feel sick, lifeless and dead. The cool coldness of him was off setting however I saw in him myself. A man lost in the darkness of the human condition who instead of brining others up with him, would dart out, seize, and drag to his pit any and all who crossed his path. I too struggle with the absurdity of what it means to live. When this student left however, he was a literally the polar opposite of what we first saw. He had a blazing nimbus; not in the RSD “Whoooo” way, but he was emanating light in all directions. Talking with him was a pleasure as he brought you up. I saw a guy who was unsatisfied with his life until this point. He was tight, clenched up-evident in his collared shirt buttoned to the very top. He was unwilling to let go, to be open to others. He had felt as if his life had already passed him by and it was now out of his hands. Plunged into the crucible and heated to an insane degree, he did not complain once. “I can’t speak Japanese!” “I don’t know the culture!” Excuses like these weren’t present. Indeed, in the forging process we need not add more impurities to add flexibility to the blade. All we needed to do was ignite his own furnace, the flame of his chance at a second living. There he could buffer out the nicks and other marks of use. His furnace now burns bright with the flames of a phoenix, a man reborn, unplugged from the Matrix and able to live his dream. The responsibility for his new life is now in his hands and he is responsible for defending and protecting it. And though the place he calls home may be across the seas, he can always hear our voice deep in his heart when times are dark. “Keep going, keep going, you are strong, keep going.” And lastly I saw a guy who was already awesome but felt trapped and enslaved by the choices of women he had in his life. This was spilling over into to ever corner of his being. It was like an eagle with a vine wrapped around its leg. No matter how hard he beat his mighty wings, he could not take flight. All we did was cut the vine and watch him soar among the best. What a spectacle it was to watch! On the train ride home, after everyone had parted ways, I began to cry. This is about so much more than just getting girls. The reason why I approach coach is to see what I saw in these three guys. It’s possibly the most rewarding experience in the world. The reason I approach coach is because I want to give back and help the guys starting up because there were guys who helped pull me up when I was there. I want to give back to them. The weird thing is that the more I give back the more I get. I try to give my everything, and end up getting even more in return. A month or two ago I was a guy who like one of the students, was searching for the light in the fucked world we live in. To help me find that, I was plunged into utter obsidian darkness, so dark that I couldn’t see my own hand in front of my face. It wasn’t until this weekend that I realized that when I am drowning in this utter darkness, it is the time when the light of my soul shines best. In this darkness, the beacon that is the light of my soul reaches farthest. I is in this state that I can light the torches of other people’s lives the best and I thank all the students for teaching me this. What a ride… Keep going Keep going Keep going Keep going
  8. When I met you, you were a middle aged business man who felt trapped in his world. When I left you, you where the middle aged man sitting on the beach in Hawaii with two babes on either side relaxing with your shades on. Welcome to the fold. You really are 最高 my friend. Remember that. Any girl who rejects you is a FOOL. That would be like rejecting Brad Pitt but you have MORE going on for you than he does.
  9. Yeah I did but I didn't say anything. You did open it after all. They probably got all cozy quick because you guys knew me. Ren we are going out like every day when I move to Tokyo. Anyway off to game Onziem with LDB ^_^
  10. Haha I seriously hope you don't think LDB and I were tearing it up there, unless of course by tearing it up you mean running around making sure you guys were in set and helping out with you guy's sets. I got a few number closes but with night game looming, I didn't really push for much. Making sure you guys had awesome sets was my main concern. As for that two set outside, hate to burst any uber skills bubble, but I know them Thats probably why it opened like butter. They are friends of the girl NuBreed closed a few weeks back. I saved the girl you number closed from a drunk sketchy as fuck nanpa last time. After you left she number closed me and gave me a kiss goodnight. Damn me wanting to see you guys succeed! That was totally an SNL! You did amazing for such a hard venue. I am glad someone else found it hard to hook I thought my game all of a sudden starting sucking
  11. Yeah seriously. That's incredible... By the way you two ridiculously good looking gaijin who could open with "do you want to come home with me?" we should meet up some time and go terrorize an event.
  12. “MORE KINO” “WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU MOVING OUT OF THE WAY FOR PEOPLE HALF YOUR SIZE?!?!” “Tap , tap GO! Takoyaki! Now!” “STACK FORWARD!” “Did you qualify?” “I think so” “Why does he like you?” “I don’t know” “You didn’t qualify! Do it now!” The entire weekend hit me like a fucking truck. My head is still swimming in a sea of sets, half of which I don’t even remember. I have been having the weirdest dreams lately, namely of running stacks of routines in my head for what feels like hours. Let me see if I can take this slush that is the state of my mind and give some form to what was an awesome weekend. Before that let me throw something more important out there. RedpoleQ and Allusion, I don’t think I will ever be able to express in words the change you have initiated in me. Even if I were to never speak to another girl again (which won’t be happening, I was already out today!) I have learned more and changed more in two and a half days than in twenty two years. You two went far beyond what was required of you. You could have turned your back on me at any time but both of you stuck there and pushed me far beyond where I ever thought I could go. I strive for the day I can be your equal in the field. That said let’s get on to the boot camp. As I said much is lost in the sea of information. Sets blurred together as my brain tried its best to absorb the huge amount of stimulus that was being thrown its way. RedpoleQ noticed this as he was walking me to the bathroom to make sure I opened a set right away. I had the look of a dead fish by the end of the last session for a while. LDB pretty much summed up most of my experience better than I can so let me pick some of my favorite sets of the weekend! Day 1 was pretty much me getting acclimated to being blow or blown out. Kino felt as if a police man was going to rush over and arrest me like a salary man groping women on the train. Plowing felt as stupid as talking to a wall. I was wondering why Japanese girls didn’t get up and slap me when Alluision or RedpoleQ would be standing next to me yelling more kino or stack forward. And for some reason in my mind, Japanese guys were bigger than my 6’5 teddy bear ass… My favorite set of the night was when I opened a two set, not once, not twice, not seven, but nine times until I got it right. RepoleQ wasn’t letting me leave until that set was opened correctly! Get blow or get blown out! There isn’t any other option. Day 2 Day Game went a lot better than it did in night game. I only opened one real set as I was winging two sets for one of the other students who looked like a rock star. The venue of choice was the Hep5 Starbucks. I got my first bounce though we learned, quite harshly, that we needed to keep the girls engaged as we venue changed. They ended up running off and it was back to square one. Day2 Night game at Sazae was, and will be for the rest of my life, one of the most enjoyable experiences. After three hours of inner game work with LDB, we headed to McDonalds for a quick rundown of what we were doing that night. This fell to pieces when all of us opened sets. And this is where the craziness of the night started. As I am in set, Allusion starts telling me to do some crazy shit. I start coming up with some of my own. I steal her scarf, I judo chop her in the face, I push her away… The whole time I am thinking what the fucking hell? Why would this work? Does it matter? That set was about 20-30 minutes long because McDonalds was closing or it would have been longer! Enter into Sazae and let the night of crazy shit begin. I started out the night with Allusion. He was out to break me of any social shame I still had… which was a lot. The goal, do crazy stuff and make it fun, hell even if that cost me the sarge. I opened my first set which was a wash and moved onto the second. After feeling like I hit a wall plowing, I turn to Allusion looking for what to do. He calmly says “What’s the craziest thing you think you can do.” as if not expecting an answer. I start tickling her but it was too little too late. On to one of my favorite sets! I opened this lone girl by the dance floor. It was near impossible to hear so I thought there was no way to hook this. I was about to abandon it when I turned and saw Allusion glaring at me as if he was planning to kill me if I left the set. I grabbed her hand and quite literally dragged her about 20 feet to an alcove. I got all the way to a phase shifted state with her. I won’t go into the rest of the craziness of the night but let’s just say I got elbowed in the crotch and got a drink poured on my shoe—and laughed them off like nothing. I AMOGed some Japanese dudes and broke them like twigs. One memory that sticks out is when RedpoleQ pulled out my routine stack and had me start reading. The girl barely seemed to care! To steal a quote from Allusion that I now say to myself all the time, “I am awesome!” Day 3 was in a book store. I am by nature a really high energy guy so it is rough calibrating my energy to that type of environment. The day is a real blur as my brain was completely fried by this point. I felt all day that none of my sets were hooking. After a long talk with RedpoleQ it I came to a simply realization. If she is still there, the set is hooked. I am not FORCING her. She can walk away when ever. Hell one of my best sets was this super hot girl who I thought never hooked but I was there for 10 minutes. After taking a quick bathroom break I got back into my state and managed to get a bounce with a girl who I talked a lot about music with! Sweet! “Let me go get my friend she said” and she wasn’t lying! Of course her friend was the set that blew me out a few minutes earlier. >.< My head is STILL swimming after two nights of rest. When things calm down enough, I’ll add more but I wanted to get this up ASAP. Taking an Osaka Crew boot camp WILL change your life FOREVER. Do not wait! The lovable Teddy Bear
  13. Wow LDB you remember that better than I did. Nice choice with the name by the way. We decided that this was much more fitting to my PUA identity than my previous handle so we decided to change it. I'll get mu field report up sometime tomorrow but right now I am going out to game. Thanks for all the advice over the weekend LDB you really helped!
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