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Everything posted by AVVesome

  1. You stuck in there and finished the bootcamp rather than going home - and you really really really wanted out of that club. But now since you stayed in the ring, that whole ordeal becomes a big source of strength you can draw upon, as I prophesied during my epic motivational speech. Remember, we got opened by THREE sets during that speech, not two. The one set in between the English speaking couple and drunken models was the two girls who over heard me giving you the motivational speech, and then portentously muttered to our faces a single word: Random girl: "Bootcamp!!!" That was weird. 押忍!!!
  2. Whoooooooooooooooooooooooo hisashiburi man You'll have to hit up Osaka some time and we can party like the old days! And by old days, I mean last year, which isn't that long ago!
  3. Hey, good to see you here man. Sounds like your bootcamp was pretty sweet and you learned a lot. Next time I'm around Tokyo let's meet up again, that international party we went to the day we met was EPIC!
  4. For posterity, here's Challenger and I's FRs of that weekend... http://theosakacrew.com/entourage/viewtopic.php?t=961&highlight= Indeed, totally mind blowing to see how much you guys improved over those couple days. Really just after the first night it was crazy how much everyone's body language and vibe changed. RisingStock, looking forward to getting all dressed up and hiting up Platinum this weekend! Peace!
  5. Hah! Nice. I wondered why they followed us to that bar. I was thinking "huh, they're having fun but we haven't really talked to them." Actually, I don't remember seeing game you much at all except I popped into one of the cubby holes off the dance floor and you and LDB (I think?) were there getting cozy with two girls so I was like, "Uh, I'll see you guys later!"
  6. AVVesome here, formerly Symmetry. Instead of a field report, I wrote a rough draft novelette with a summary of every set I remembered that had some strong affect on me, which was about 75% of them. Bold letter indicate some big theme, like a new venue or a specific set or lesson. I've been working on this little by little all week, and my memory has gotten a bit fuzzy so, I wrote what I could. Sometimes I don't remember if Allusion or RPQ was pushing me into a specific set. Sometimes I forget who did what. So just let me know if something I wrote is wrong. Read what interests you, gimme feedback with what strikes you. Friday I arrived in Osaka and met everyone in Shinsaibashi station. We went to McDonalds and chatted about a lot of stuff. I liked hearing people's backstories. Then, our first wave came at Pure. Here were the sets that I remember, out of order. Most educational set: there are little cubby holes with tables and seats isolated from the rest of the club. RPQ told me to go in one, sit down and game the girls already there. I did so. They were easily the most hostile, unhappy people I've ever talked to in my life. I just rambled on about clothes, Osaka, the music, all the while one is screaming at me in English “Fuck you!” A fifth friend shows up and is livid. She starts yelling in whatever her slurred yankee hometown dialect was. I continued to sit back and ramble about stuff. Karyuu showed up at one point and tried to get the 2 across from me to scoot over so he could sit down, but they yelled at him and having no where to sit, got out of there. Eventually, RPQ pulled me out and said that was pretty sweet, just sitting there and taking their barrage of unhappiness. I can now think back to this and call it forth as a great experience- I know for a fact that any set I open now couldn't possibly be as pissed or unhappy as they were. That was rock bottom in terms of receptivity... but it was pretty fucking hilarious. The “best” set I had that night was a cute choi-gyaru style girl. I forget how I opened her, what I said, but eventually we bounced into another cubby hole with Igknighter and his target sitting across from us. He later said my kino was so over the top I was “attacking” her, but TOC said that's exactly how you discover where kino boundaries are. We had a pretty weak conversation, she gave me some shit, but she smiled most of the time. Eventually, it just seemed like I couldn't progress the sarge any further, and someone pulled me out of that set to go open some more, so I just shook her hand and took off. Another interesting set. I opened a pretty hot b-kei gyaru who was really really smiley and receptive... but was holding hands with another dude. The guy seemed really friendly but was like, “This is my girlfriend.” It was funny, I was all like kino escalating her left arm while he held her right. Someone (RPQ I think?) jumped in to occupy him; I grabbed her arm and tried to bounce her to a quieter pool table room. I asked her how she knew that dude, she said she met him tonight, at this club. Waraeru. Before I could lock in again, dude came back grabbed her arm and she went him but still kept looking at me, with a really happy look on her face. RPQ was like, “Yeah, she was so much more into you than that other dude.” Interesting. What could I have done here? And yet another interesting set. I opened a really dull, unhappy looking club gyaru on some stairs leading up to a dance platform. She was totally unresponsive for the most part, but as I was instructed, if I didn't make them walk away, they're attracted to me and its still on. LDB came by and yelled that I need to stop playing the entertaining monkey and slow the fuck down- something I progressed on a lot during the rest of the bootcamp. Anyway, after touching her cool nifty super oversized belt one too many times, she walked away. I was so happy I was done talking to her and could move on to sets with better energy, but it was particularly educational. Once more, another set. I opened and talked about music. I actually liked this girl the best out of all the ones I opened, even though she was probably 10 years older than me, had a little extra weight and was (as I found out at the end of my sarge) married. I locked in a quiet pool room on the side and she did some grinding dancing. That was the first time a girl ever grinded on me, lol. Everything seemed to be going well, then Allusion came by and said she's ready for a kiss close. I tried to kiss her a couple times, but it was all incongruent, she said she was married, danced with me a couple more minutes, then we bid each other adeui. We all went to a nice cafe in Ame-mura and debriefed there. We all parted ways except Phoenix and I, who went to the conbini to get some batteries... and where we met a 2 set, 2 wiped out drunken gyaru in front of a conbini on the sidewalk waiting for their ride. We sat down next to them and had a pretty good conversation, complete with medium kino and all for a good 15 minutes. My target was actually formerly ganguro! That's cool. Anyway, she eventually got shitty and said something like, “Yeah, these guys know how to work girls,” (女の子に慣れているやねん, I think). They got up and left after that. Saturday @Starbucks/Tsutaya My first set was a 2-set. As soon as I started gaming, I felt these girls were too young to game. This was the only time I felt like it screwed with my gaming that the whole bootcamp; I guess stacking forward here cured that. Karyuu winged her friend sitting across from us. A starbucks employee came up and tried to blow us out, asking the two girls if they were ok, and they just said yeah, we're fine. I had trouble thinking of stuff to say, didn't feel right kinoing her and eventually blew myself out by sitting there too long with saying anything interesting enough to her. She stood up, gathered her friend and they left. I was nervous as hell. RPQ told to open a girl sitting alone right after that. I sat down across from her, said nothing and just looked in the eyes, smiling. After a laugh and a confused “Nani?!” I launched into more routine plowing about clothes and what places are cool in Osaka. I moved my chair next to hers while her boyfriend (I think?) returned, sat down across from her, exchanged greetings with me, then ate silently while I gamed his girlfriend. He was actually a really cool dude; he didn't interrupt me, and after he finished his coffee, he offered me the second half of his danish that he didn't finish. I think besides letting me entirely engage his girl, he dealt with me gaming her pretty well, lol. After that, my knees were shaking I was so nervous from opening ridiculous sets like that. Allusion brought Karyuu and I to the CD section on the second floor and I opened a girl whose panties we could see for a second going up the escalator. She seemed really shy and kind of stoic, not happy nor pissed at me talking to her... I asked her where to find an Otsuka Ai CD and she wandered around looking for it while I plowed. Eventually, she found the CD, started smiling, warmed up and the set started going a lot better. Played some kino games with her, then she showed me some cell phone pictures of her family. Yikes. From those pictures, I could tell she was way too young, but didn't screw with my gaming, I think since she didn't look that young. She got a call from someone, her mom I think, and I walked a little bit away and talked with Allusion about how the set was going, then she walked away while I wasn't watching. Most educational set: Karyuu had opened two WHITE, ENGLISH SPEAKING girls from NY state. I jumped in and was gaming rather lightly. I discovered here that I need to work on making better and better anchors with the girls I encountered through my adolescence, lol RPQ walked up to us. RPQ: Hey AVVesome, isolation. *turns to the girls. Are you taking care of my friend here? Me: *cringing inside This totally scared the shit out of me. Can't they, like, totally understand English and stuff? But, Karyuu moved his target a little further away and I tried gaming a bit more. I was like 3 feet from her, LDB came by, bumped into me and said “Kino.” Yes, a kino gap big enough to drive a truck through. That totally freaked me out too. Eventually, Renaissance showed up and saved me. He jumped in for me and I went upstairs had a different set by myself with a shop clerk (detailed below), then met Allusion again downstairs. Allusion wanted to push me back into this set. I didn't want to go. He asked, "Do you think it will help you?" I searched my soul very quickly. It said yes, despite it not wanting it. "Yes," I said. "Then go," he said. I went. I sat down with Karyuu and the white girls, who he had successfully bounced to Starbucks (from what I heard later, none too smoothly, but they went anyway! Props!) I tried just running obstacle game and saying whatever random shit came to my mind to occupy the other girl while Karyuu talked with his target. My girl wasn't very interested. Eventually, I stood up to get a drink and talked for a minute with RPQ. He gave tons of really good ways of looking at wing game: in a 2 set, whether you like the girl or not, its my responsibility to keep one interested, at least enough for my wing to #close his target. This should be about 20 minutes. I went back in with a coffee, and have a better, more tangible goal, I was actually able to pick up the conversation with her. After another 10 or so minutes, RPQ came in, said he needed to have a word with us and told Karyuu to tell the obstacle that he likes her sister and is she cool with that? I think that's exactly what he did, and that indeed brough the set to its end. Karyuu later apologized for making me suffer through that set, but hey, that's what bootcamp is all about! Feel the burn of social embarrassment until it goes away and gives you strength! Yeah! I learned a shitload about the basics of winging there too. So thanks a bunch! Clerk on the DVD floor. Asked her about old samurai movies. Discovered she spoke English really well, and talked with her a while about a variety of movies, music, her times overseas. A customer came by and asked where the bathroom was in Korean, and the clerk replied in Korean and I was thinking, “Damn, that's hot. 3 languages!” and I told her that was really cool but she was like, “Yeah, I only know how to give directions to the bathroom in Korean.” Eventually, I asked her when she got off work and if she'd want to get some coffee at starbucks downstairs. She turned me down, and I ejected and went back to the bookstore on the first floor. At the international party at Pure... I was really fucking tired, having not slept for about 40 hours at this point. Being on “break” I took it easy and opened every set at the club. I didn't progress any sets, but by the end, I had high fived virtually everyone there I could see except for one rude foreign dude who was busy phase shifting with his woman in one of the cubby holes. I felt a big difference in social proof from just having run one set versus having said hello and exchanged a few friendly words with 95% of the crowd. Probably the most fun I had was using a girl I found as a Pokemon to battle a girl Renaissance found as a Pokemon. We had them neko punching and karate chopping each other and shit. It was classic. Psycho Teddybear and LDB were tearing it up pretty badly. I really didn't have a chance to talk to them at all this party. Nice work! There were two Japanese guys that were giving me a funny look, because I had been entertaining their targets pretty well more than once. I saw one motion at me with the back of his hand to the 2 girls. I didn't particularly care about the girls, and maybe I shouldn't have let it bother me that they were talking shit either, but hey. It's bootcamp. So I practiced AMOG'ing them. First I hugged the two girls, who were comfortable with me, gave the dudes them a couple spins, then pushed the 2 girls into the 2 guys and it looked like the dudes were pretty uncomfortable with that setup. There was someone else there, who came with Psycho Teddybear who I do not know his handle, but he was very cool, motorcycled all over SE Asia, helped me with an accomplishment intro a couple times and showed me a really funny AMOG move: tell the AMOG you're gonna introduce his to a friend, guide him all the way to the exit door, open it, give him a small shove and leave. Cheers dude! In contrast to the previos night where I went into a cubby hole and got firestormed by 5 raving angry young women, I dropped into a cubby hole to find an older couple, maybe in their early 40s. I just sat down and shot the shit with them while I relaxed. They were really friendly and I went back there a couple times to chill out as I was trying to save energy for the real event later on tonight. On the way out, Renaissance and I and everyone else as a big happy group of fun loving people somehow fluidly bounced a pair of girls to a nearby bar (Zero? I think?). I don't remember how that happened. They were just chilling with us outside the club after the party and were so enthralled by us they couldn't walk away from us when we took off. That was fun too. I got the one's number, but didn't time bridge properly living a couple hours away in Aichi-ken and all. Onziem This place was fucked up and magical. It was soul-grindingly really, really difficult to hook a set here but the ones that did were really rewarding. RPQ taught me a ton of amazing shit about group dynamics. Two things in particular that stood out were 1) be very FAST and open the FIRST GIRL in a train of moving girls or else they won't stop and 2) engage all the girls in a group or else one of them will “pop,” get bored, and drag their friends away to the dance floor. Kino escalation had to move really super fast and I had to spit like my whole routine stack that I'd developed over the weekend in a few seconds or else they'd just walk away. There first set that hooked was a girl who was not all that cute (maybe a 5?), but I was so honestly happy that it hooked I truly couldn't care less. I talked with her a good 5 minutes, had my hand on her back and everything before her friend came up all teary eyed and hit her and walked away! Drama!!! Yeah, that set fell apart after that, lol. Fast forward through about 15-20 sets that walked away after I opened or I fucked up the social dynamics and walked away in a couple minutes. A big a-ha moment was opening a set on the edge of the dance floor. The music was so loud I was screaming with everything I had the entire time, held their attention a few minutes and eventually a girl popped, they walked away and I felt like I had done really well the social dynamics of engaging the whole set. I pulled out every stop. I used everything I had. And it wasn't good enough. Afterwards, I think I hit that “deep inner source of power,” having destroyed my vocal chords and gotten blown out the billionth time that night. Shock waves resonated and some magical power started flowing from within. I slowed WAY THE FUCK DOWN and put on a gigantic super-controlled smile. The next set was a really cute girl who I pulled too hard on her arm. Allusion came up, calmed the girl down and I kind of got her engaged again. She slowly came back to me, smiling, vibing eye contact and I took off my glasses. Things were going right! We were almost touching again when something happened- I don't remember what, like a friend dragging them away. I was really frustrated at this point. Allusion told me that in addition to slowing down and smiling, I need to kino slowly. People want to be loved and caressed, not jerked around. So, armed with this... Allusion pushed me into another set- Sweet sweet Y-chan, who I bounced out of the club. Actually, she gets a different field report. This interaction was deep. Allusion, thanks for all your incredible winging, insight and debriefing with this one. It was a magical ride, even though I dropped the ball at the very end... ... The next morning! Stronger and better than before! Sunday No real sleep still. A light 3 hour nap. Raving. 3 hours before bootcamp starts up again. I got a head start down to Umeda and put my bags in a locker, which actually took forever. Eventually, I met up with Phoenix, Igknighter and the journalist in Hep5. We talked for a while about how far we had come in the past two days. Pretty far, yep. Everyone else showed up and we hit up Umeda star$ I started out with a 2 set standing in line in front of us. I think Phoenix was winging me? Or KaRyuu? It's all very fuzzy. It was going ok, but then they got their own table before we had a chance to get one with them. More assertive. Right. Waitress, make that a table for 4. Not 2. After some PUA theory on phase shifting, I opened a really sweet, really shy girl. With the journalists' help, the 3 of us bounced across the street to The Loft, checked out some aroma stuff, played around on an electronic drum set and then bounced back. The best part was sitting her on my lap and teaching her a real basic drum beat... she got it after a minute. I'm sure that made her day. My first day game “insta-date.” This is what I wanna get good at. The kino was simply not here though- she kept taking her hand away whenever I'd put it under my arm. RPQ later told me to give a indicator of disinterest if this happens again. Allusion gave a quick demonstration of how to do that and we started opening sets in the lobby in front of Starbucks. Moving targets. I did a “launch myself with arms spread out” kind of move on a 2 set, told the one she was beautiful and they walked away outside. I followed them and keeping in line with the get blown or blown out theme of the bootcamp, I tried to kino her by spinning her and that was the blowing out. A J-dude nearby looked really pissed and started walking towards me. I walked back inside, and nothing happened. Allusion said I need to do a much cooler, low energy “slow down” kind of stop while in front of moving target... kind of like traffic cop. I tried that, and the girl slowed down. I told her she was cute and then she walked away. I followed a bit, but Allusion said no following, but stand still and talk louder. There were 3 other sets in the lobby of varying quality. Cell phones interrupted two of them. Another one was acting really stupid and saying “Wakkanai” and “Iya.” to everything I said, but took like 3 or 4 minutes to walk away after an arduous plowing session. Last set of the bootcamp. I sat down across from a lone wolf, fairly attractive, a bit older than me but younger than 30. I like that 25-30 age range. She was really intelligent, reading a book on the roots of Buddhism. We talked about travel and philosophy. RPQ came by to yell kino several times. Absolutely. I just don't know how. My question is how does one progress kino further than arms or leg touches under the table in day game at starbucks? Sit her in my lap? Push my chair right up to hers and start lower back kino? I'll try both later this week. Final debriefing Some of us parted ways at that point. Kid44 invited us to dinner and we had a kick ass fun time getting some new frames about approaching, day game, life, sexual control of oneself, being social / having fun and becoming an agent in the fight against the fragmentation of human relationships in a post-capitalist, post-modern culture- keeping all people, not just hot girls but them in particular, from being lonely. Thanks again to everyone: Allusion, Kid44 and RPQ, the woman who rolled with us on Friday night (Mystique?), Phoenix, Karyuu, Igknighter and Setanti, LDB and Renaissance, the journalist, all the people I blew out for practice, all the people I hooked for practice, all the girls I had a real connection with and everyone else I may have affected or been affected by in the beautiful web of people I got tangled in last weekend. I'm still reeling a week later. It was kick ass.
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