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bootcamp april 24

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Friday night

We started out at M2. Really I was hoping we’d sarge something a little…let’s say quieter. As we walked in I felt the loud music pumping in from the speakers. Plenty of hot girls were marching in club gear and all. I felt a nervous ping in my stomach. My first thought was, “How are they going to understand me with all this loud music?” I was having massive approach anxiety. Immediately Blue M was throwing me into sets. None were hooking. I wasn’t doing well. I wanted to leave. Then I saw Ryan in a set. He seemed to be doing well. He was touching one of the girls arms or something. I was standing around the area where girls come in. Redpoleq came up to me. “You have to kino the girls! KINO! KINO! LIKE THIS!” He should me some kino. He said I wasn’t doing kino. There was a girl sitting down. I sat next to her. I used “Do you speak Korean?” I hooked. Did another BT spike. I put my hand on her back. She didn’t seem to mind. I couldn’t think of anything else to say. She turned her back on me. It was awkward sitting there. Redpole came in, “You have to Kino!” they motioned me to leave the set. Redpole explained that you have to kino the girl. I was opening set after set. Many would not hook. I was paying someone to do this to me. Most of the night was blur. The times I did hook a set and the female obstacle would blow me out. In so many words Redpole told me to game them both. I winged a few sets with Ryan. He seemed to be doing better than me. I fucked up a few of his sets by not properly keeping the obstacle occupied. But I was starting to have fun. I felt better about walking around the club. Things were changing quickly.

We hit the streets around 2 or 2:30 am. They were jammed packed with women. You looked over and see some HB 10 sitting there. We opened some sets near the door of the club. I saw a set and was to scared because I thought she was with the guys next to her. Ryan winged me. I hooked a few. We walked a little bit. I opened a 3 set sitting down. I hooked them. My target was a designer or something. I did kino but not enough. Redpole walked up. Kino! I was loosing them. I couldn’t keep the conversation going. I quickly lost them. I remember that set the most from that night. We went back to the club to grab our bags. I got into a two set with a Japanese girl. She was attractive. She seemed to be into me...maybe she was gaming me. She was looking at me differently. I wasn’t doing enough kino. She was leaving the next day. It was time to debrief.


Saturday Day game

We hit Coex. Talked a little before game. I approached a two set sitting. Ryan came in we were doing well. But not enough kino. The goal was to seed the time bridge then go for the number. We didn’t get that far. Ryan opened a set. I can’t remember what happened but we didn’t do so well. We ran some moving sets. LOTS OF MOVING SETS. They were harder to hook. You had to move in front of them. The learning curve was tough. Redpole would come in. More kino!! I went to the bookstore with Blue Mystery. I opened a single set. The security guard said something to me in Korean. We moved on. I opened another set. The girl hooked. Again the security guard wouldn’t let me work. I had even hooked that one. BM talked to the manager. I told BM we should just leave. You know I noticed people watching as we gamed. You can do what ever you want to do. The set I remember was one of the last ones. It was a two set the girl was attractive. I did some light kino. I seeded the time bridge. I got an email.

Night game

We hit a club. I can’t remember the name of it. It was under a hotel. The music was good. The music wasn’t as loud. You could hear yourself think. It was set after set. Just a freakin blur of sets. Then I hooked a Japanese girl. She wasn’t super hot. But her friends were. She started giving me massive kino back. I thought maybe she’s on E. Then her friends started kinoing me. I had like three chicks on my arm for about one minute. More sets. I was getting tired. I had picked a bad month to quit working out. I went outside for a bit. I open some chick at the bar. She had this American vibe to her. She reminded me why I don’t like 90% of American chicks. I hooked. I asked her what she did in LA. She said when she was younger she had a better body. Then she showed me her cell phone. The was a picture of her naked. I said “Let me guess you were an invisible swimsuit model.” In so many words she said she was a pornographic movie star. I opened the chick that was filming Redpole. She was cool I liked her look. I could see myself going out with her. Not enough kino. We got in another set with a few guys and girls. I could figure out how they knew each other so I didn’t really run game. I talked to the girl for a while. Then as they were leaving she hugged me. I was like wooow! This chick just hugged me. By this time I was so tired. Just losing steam. I mean I’m 35. I was like all I got to do make it 4 am. The last set I remember was some chick I kept loosing her and getting her back. Then something happened. She asked me for my number! Never happened to me ever. Then something else happened. She said, “Please call me.” I was blown away.

Sunday day game

Coffee shop two set. I felt very comfortable in set. The target was so nervous she was shaking. It was fun. Redpole told us to get closer. We both moved in at the same time. Bad mistake. Also I learned only talk to your girl. Not two girls at once. Ryan opened a set upstairs. I winged. I wasn’t into the obstacle. We bounced them to a clothing store. Ryan’s girl was hot. He got the time bridge. We told them we had to get back to our friends. Alright one of my best sets was a two set. I went kino hard. Like hugged her. She liked it. We lost the friend. Still had fun.

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Hey Wicked_Morning,

welcome aboard man. It was cool watching you game and opening those sets. Haha, that 2-set with the Porn star, I was crossing my fingers that she wasn't the bad girl so that I could wing you and game her :P


You did well and yeah, we make the bootcamp night sessions up to 4:00am to show you just how far and how long you can push yourself.





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