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Tokyo Boot Camp, 19-21 February 2010


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After two years of finding out about pick up, I have finally begun. Like the majority of guys who have gotten interested in the community in the past few years, my interest was sparked by “The Game.” I still remember the day I heard about the book. I was in Owego, New York in a rental car with three other helicopter pilots getting some training on some new, high tech upgrades our helo was getting.


“Dude, I would totally get this book, but my wife would kill me.”


“I know, it sounds really interesting, but I don’t think my wife would understand if I read it.”


It sounded scandalous so I had to ask what the hell they were talking about. They used the words manipulative, persuasion, and women. From the way they described it, the guys in this book, “The Game” (go to the book store, it looks like a Bible, I was told) were actually mesmerizing women with pocket watches on chains and hypnotizing them. The fact that their wives would forbid them from reading it was enough for me to at least to want to read the book. I was in the middle of going through a divorce, so I thought I would enjoy my newly found freedom of single-guyness.


I bought the book and read it in less than 24 hours. It was well-written, captivating, and hard to put down. I wanted to try this stuff. Even more than that, I wanted to watch someone in action. I immediately got online and typed in a few choice words and was overwhelmed with the response. I HAD to find one of these Boot Camp things. The price in the book had been well within my range, and I figured I would not be the only person with the same idea. And that the price had probably gone up a little. I don’t remember how much it was. I remember it was more than $750.00. I remember choking on the beer I was drinking when I saw the price. So maybe I WASN’T going to do this Boot Camp thing. My next plan was to find someone, probably an inexperienced amateur, to watch and learn from. Even that plan failed as every guy I contacted online sounded like they could have probably learned more from me.


So I introduced one of my best single friends to the book. And he was excited about it. So we kind of fumbled through things, but he would never approach. I opened a few sets here and there, and in retrospect, he would never even come in and wing. I was opening three sets fairly regularly and not understanding why I was having such a hard time. Who knew that a year and a half later I would finally figure it all out.


So here I am. I just completed the 19-21 January 2010 Tokyo Boot Camp. It was tough, miserable at times, but a great experience and something that I am still learning things from as I sit back and think about them.


Day 1:


I met up with RedpoleQ at TGI Friday’s in Roppongi at 7:00 p.m. I had cyber-stalked him a night or two prior to have an idea who I would be looking for… and I have to say, he was WAY shorter than I expected (sorry, RPQ). Regardless, I was excited to meet him and excited to start this adventure. We hung out at the restaurant for what felt like a few days… maybe it was just four hours, but those TGI Friday’s chairs are NOT comfortable. After explaining to RedpoleQ that I had just gotten out of a relationship, not every long, but pretty intense, and I was not finding too many women attractive, he picked it apart until I felt dumb. I found over the next few days he is REALLY good at that. It was the first paradigm shift of the weekend. Instantly, I spotted a beautiful Japanese woman… who coincidentally sat right behind RPQ for most of the evening at the restaurant… and that problem was solved. One down, about a thousand to go. However, to follow another common theme, I was very distracted during the seminar portion. Fortunately, I had read the Black Book twice and was slightly aware of the info that was being put out. I did find that actually having put these things into practice, although overwhelming at the time, as made everything make 100% more sense.


After sitting there for four hours and ten diet Cokes, I really needed to go to the bathroom. As I got up, I was instructed to open a two-set sitting at the booth as I came back. Just ask them where a good place to go is… I probably opened them again later that night and had no idea. I took my time in the bathroom biding my time for my first approach. Which I made without any real incident. And their answer?


“Mills? Where the hell is Mills?” Ah, my language barrier problem.


“I don’t know.”


“Did you ask where it was?”




“Get back over there and ask them where it is. And don’t lean over them this time. Stand up straight.”


I got the straight scoop, and as we figured out later, Mills=Muse. It makes perfect sense now.


We set off on our journey and started at a…ummm, delightful….bar called Heartland. I was shown the walk-thru (not the walk around), and I did my best to be observant. I was pushed gently into a three-set with some creepy-stalker dude hanging out behind them. I tried my old, tried and true, “Hey, I’m Clay…” and got no response. I take that back. I got a response: she turned her back to me. And I ejected immediately. Another common trend for the weekend.


“What are you doing? Get back in there.”


“Dude, I can read body language THAT obvious. She is obviously not interested.”


“Shut up and go re-engage.”


After talking to the back of her head for about 30 seconds, I ejected again. RPQ’s weekend of frustration had begun. It is funny as I look back on it that I know now that it was in fact funny and not as humiliating as I was taking it. Quickly thereafter we bumped into by a fast moving J-girl, who now I probably would have grabbed instead of letting her skitter off. Because she never came back. In fact, I am pretty confident she is still in the bathroom at Heartland.


We decided to leave Heartland and walked outside. It was a bust. Just as we were about to stride on down to Muse, RedpoleQ turned around and said, “Unless you want to open that three-set.” If memory serves me right, which it should since I was totally sober in Roppongi for a change, I didn’t hesitate. Yay for me. I brought in RPQ to talk about Bali after about three minutes, and he coached me through the set WHILE winging. It was actually pretty amazing. I opened. I threw in some BT spikes and had her laughing. I moved on to qualification… and that was pretty much all I knew at that point. I unknowingly set up a vague time-bridge, and then with the joys of the iPhone, “Bump”’ed with her, and number-closed. Which I soon found out I wasn’t supposed to do, but I was still pleased with myself. Just sayin’…


As we made our way to Muse, what I now know is a J-girl/Gaijin-dude eutopia filled with PUA types (who were those other dudes, anyway? I know I am not supposed to like them), we ended up behind the two-set I opened at TGI Friday’s.


“I think those girls said Muse instead of Mills.”


“Why do you say that?”


“Because they are right in front of us.”


Hilarious. In one of my first “Just Listen to RPQ” Lessons, he told me to run up behind them, jump, and say, “Hey!” Every instinct and one recent seminar told me that was not the right idea. Protector? Right? Make them feel safe? So I strode up slowly and tapped each of them on the shoulder and said, “hey…” Wow. Weak. And it showed. Noted.


We made it to Muse without further incident. I learned the ways of the coat locker, and now the evening’s education was really going to begin. Time for the walk-thru… not the walk around. RPQ’s insight to the bar/club was interesting and the first time I started looking at things in a completely different light.


Luckily, I went home after this and wrote down every set I remembered. It turned out to be 15 for the evening. Satisfaction winged me the entire evening, and I was glad to have a pro on my side. Which is why I was dumbfounded when he told me that he had done the Boot Camp five weeks ago. The man was awesome, and I probably could have just stopped and watched for awhile to learn something. As I sit here at work trying to recall them, I can remember a few:


The initial two-set that I opened was trying out a weird, sling looking chair. I did as RPQ told me to and opened with “So how is that chair working out for you?” I spoke too fast and the English colloquialism was not really understood. They moved to sit themselves at a three chair table. I let myself sit down at the empty chair, stalled quickly, another common theme for the weekend and brought Satisfaction in. A good note on this one: If you are planning on bringing in a wing, figure out where he will fit into the picture. Satisfaction tried to bring the sling chair over to the table, and that chair sucked. I did not keep engaging anyone except for myself. I mean, I am pretty sure I am talking to myself because I got the impression no one else was listening. And they walked away. Blown out on that set, and I felt relatively dumb. I kept my chin up, and we pressed.


Somewhere in there was a two-set with a spare. She was cute enough, and her English was great which helped progress things pretty smoothly. She was seated and soon enough, her friend was taken away to the dance floor, and I took the seat next to her. RPQ positioned me, helped get my chair closer, positioned my hands, and she was none the wiser. It actually went really well, she lived pretty close to me, and I probably should have time-bridged and number-closed, but I am pretty sure she was scared of the water… one of my chose qualifications.


Soon thereafter, I opened another two-set. This one was probably the most frustrating for me. After I brought Satisfaction in, the girl I had chosen (I always seemed to pick the less attractive, less English speaking girl) started yelling “Japanese Please!” I couldn’t even talk out loud to myself without her yelling that charming phrase. It was a good set that I learned energy, attitude, and body language were the most important thing. But I was in my head, concentrating on the language barrier to really see any of that. It was also the first time I started spouting out what little Japanese I know, and she loved it. I never thought that commenting on the weather and talking about how much I loved alcohol would win a girl over. Thank you, RedpoleQ, for making me stay in that set… which was extremely uncomfortable for me.


The next uncomfortable set was opened by some crazy, dancing Japanese girl who dragged me to her two friends. Who I opened. They were attractive. And maybe that was the reason I stalled out so quickly. And why they turned their backs to me. And why I ejected so quickly. Until I was told to re-engage. Which, in another theme, I resisted. I did eventually, and they kept their backs to me, so I started running routines from the stack just to do them. Even though they were paying me not attention. I learned on this set that getting blown out is NOT the end of the world.


Most of my sets were a mix of the above. I think it was around 2:00 a.m. when I started crashing and quitting on RPQ. This was also a common theme. Fortunately, he had some compassion at that point. I was allowed a bottle of water. And whether the break reinvigorated me or the water did, I immediately turned to my left and opened a two-set. Which was very crash and burn. Which was extremely sad, because they were two very attractive Korean girls who both spoke English REALLY well. I will say this looking back on it: The language barrier was NOT my problem. Oh by the way, RPQ was telling me that all weekend as well. Another theme.


I opened a four-set of hot women. Wait. Strike that. I opened one girl in the four-set thus losing all of them. Noted. And the one girl I did open was keen. Hindsight is always 20/20.


Another three-set, I learned engaging does not mean talking. Kino, body language, ANYTHING can be engaging. So just do it. Enough said.


I don’t even remember what time RedpoleQ had mercy on me, 3:00? 3:30? Before we went and got some Chinese. I thought I had a miserable experience, but sitting here writing this, I realize it wasn’t so bad. I hate it when RPQ is right.


Day Two, Day Game:


We met up at Roppongi Hills at 3:00 p.m. I was surprised I even made it that far having bizarre dreams and considering quitting the whole walk over. It turned out I was happy to see RPQ, and we quickly got down to the seminar after meeting up with Allusion. An hour into the seminar, I was distracted and lost. I voiced my concern and was about to eject from the seminar (see, theme) when RPQ and Allusion talked me off the ledge. I appreciate that more than I can ever say. Eventually, it was into the mall.


I am not sure if I consider opening the Information Booth girl an approach, but I am counting it. So there. She was cute and gave me a map which turned out to be pretty useful for the rest of my approaches.


We ended up in Bals where on the first approach, I convinced a one-set to run to her husband. Oops.


The next set morphed. It was a one-set that, after I opened, turned into a three-set. EJECT! RE-ENGAGE! OKAY! And turned out to be pretty awesome. The whole thing revolved around a portable make-up stand then transitioned to the local map. I really wish I would have known then what I know now, because I probably would have called in Allusion and RPQ and maybe bounced these women to the close-by Starbucks. They were all pretty attractive. But I let it die out and we continued on.


We winded our way back downstairs where I approached a two-set looking at the same map I had in my hand. Sweet. Somebody else was lost. I opened with the “Have you seen my penguin?” which I honestly enjoy… because I started going to great lengths to describe the penguin. The attractive girl seemed keen while her larger, angrier friend gave me a look that said, “If you touch her, I will probably eat you… and not in a good way.” Can you guess what happened next? EJECT! What a re-tard.


Next, I opened a very pretty one-set. She was shopping at a stand outside of the Starbucks. I pointed out some of the funnier things when I noticed magnetic tic-tac-toe. I moved a piece and motioned to her. We played one game, and again, in retrospect, I should have gone for the best two out of three… if nothing else to let her win so that I could reward with some kino. Which, let’s be honest, is a reward for the both of us. I clumsily tried to bounce her to the Starbucks, but she decided to continue on with her shopping. Fair enough.


The last girl inside the mall that I opened was gorgeous. Standing there all by herself. I think I might have salivated a little. I opened with my map. She was nice enough to ask her man-friend to help me. He seemed startled, so I finished up the set by kind of alpha male’ing him a little. Which I found hilarious. I was proud that I did not eject at the first sign of the dude, and it allowed me to walk away with a smile on my face.


In the middle of the mall, the standard short-denim skirt, stockings, fuzzy-collared coat girl strode by… hell, she almost ran by… and I should have stopped there. But I didn’t. So I walked… really fast… to try and catch up with her. As soon as I got to her, I tapped her lightly with the back of my fingers, and she immediately turned around and put up her arms in the sign of the ‘X.’ I almost laughed out loud as she ran away. Blown out completely, and I loved it.


We continued on, and there was a temporary maiddoll restaurant with one girl outside passing out fliers. I approached. She talked, and in another common theme, I just nodded my head to whatever she said and walked away. I am still counting it as an approach. So there.


Finally, Starbucks was handing out free samples of the Sakura Steamer in honor of the coming Cherry Blossoms. RPQ and Allusion had the genius plan to wait for an attractive girl to get in line and then we would jump in front. However, the three-set that ended up behind us… I think it was a three-set... had one attractive girl, one so-so girl, and one girl that I definitely would not have given my kidney to. Guess which one was the closest. And guess which one I was told to open. After much, much goading, I opened the older, unattractive woman, trying to draw in the girls behind her. Using the cards that had been passed out, I opened with “Do we really need these cards? What are these for, anyway?” Thankfully, that was enough, and mercy was bestowed upon me. RedpoleQ told me that he was now going to reward me:


Five people back, a beautiful girl in a black coat texting on a red phone, was all by herself. I honestly didn’t think much of her, because I didn’t know he was pointing at that girl. RPQ even gave me the opener. “Kanpai.” Seriously. Simple. Easy. Genius. She grabbed her sample, began to walk past us, and I simply said, “Kanpai!” And she quickly reciprocated. And then I stood there. See above about me being a re-tard. For maybe three seconds, I just kind of stared at her before it became uncomfortable for everyone and she walked away. “Go go go!” And I was off! For about ten steps. Her head-start was insurmountable… to me. Allusion and RPQ chased those ten steps after me and pushed me to follow her. I gave some asinine excuse about no more running after girls, feeling like I was chasing… etc. Allusion then pointed out that she had walked around the corner and sat down. After some more challenges to my manhood, I finally approached…. Again. I walked up to her table and sat down. I ran some BT spikes, had her smiling and laughing, did some light qualification, ran out of steam, started back up trying to re-engage. This was the first time I whipped out my iPhone to translate a few simple words, which helped greatly. I felt good about it and… EJECTED!


“Did you time-bridge and number-close?”




“Get back in there!”


I ran over a few blatantly obvious scenarios… at least they were to me… that last about three or four more minutes before I finally withered under the verbal lashing. I re-engaged, sitting closer as I had been told to, and re-opened. I number-closed and time-bridged pretty quickly. Mission accomplished.


“Bounce her to the Starbucks.”


“No, I did what you told me to do. I’m good.”


“Dude, she is still sitting there. In the cold. Bounce her!”


After another enlightening conversation lasting about five minutes, I finally gave into the pressure and bounced her relatively quickly. At least as far as I know. She was my first bounce. We found our way to the Starbucks, and we both had a great time. It turned out that she was an actress who had just left TV Asahi after an audition. I will be seeing her at the end of this week. Ridiculously amazing. At least to me.


Night game:


Back to Muse. The warm-up set of the evening may have been my best. Two J-girls, one spoke English, the other did not. Can you guess who I started talking to? Regardless, the lessons from the night before worked out well. Random Japanese phrases, kino, RPQ coaching, and I time-bridged and number-closed while Allusion was stuck with her annoying friend. Sorry, Allusion.


I opened some other sets with mixed results however they felt mostly positive. The one set I really enjoyed was a four set that was having a great time. This is the set where I learned that I need to work on my voice and projecting it. It was also a good one that showed me I need to learn to control the set. Long story short, I was blown out HUGE. And was able to laugh the entire time. Very, very cool.


However, around 2:00 a.m., I was tired and trying to quit again. How many times do you have to talk a guy down off of a ledge? It is kind of embarrassing. I resisted everything RPQ was saying and even tried to talk out. Thank the lord he is persistent, because I stuck around and saw the night out. After another water, I re-engaged… not with as much vigor as the night before, but enough to be able to look at myself in the mirror when I got home. After an awesome bowl of ramen.


Day 3 (Day Game and the Beginning):


We met up at Shinjuku and headed to the PUA paradise. Book store, Starbucks, home store, and bizarre store. I learned to not run laps around this place, but to slow down and take it easy. Which is probably another theme for the entire weekend. I was allowed to go out by myself, find a girl, and bounce her to the Starbucks. I opened three one-sets in the bookstore and home store without any real flashes of excitement. It just so happened that RPQ came to look for me and pointed out a girl behind me that might work. And he was right. Another lesson learned, keep your eyes open. It made me wonder how many girls I missed that would have been just like her. With his suggestion, I swooped around the side, used a pink bath scrubber as my opener, and it was on. I suggested we bounce to the Starbucks, and she resisted a little, telling me she wanted to buy some things. So I suggested I help pick out the items, she buy them, and we head to the Starbucks. Score. From there, I ran through all the way through comfort thanks to the coaching. I learned my phase-shifting needs some serious work, and is probably the main reason I get caught in the “Friends Zone” more often than not. Time-bridged and number-close, and I will be seeing her this weekend as well.



Friends ask me how the weekend was. My initial reaction was miserable but a great experience. It is funny how memories morph in your head, because if they asked me right now, I would tell them it was incredibly awesome and a life-changing experience. My first day back at work… which by the way felt like I had taken a week off… was nothing short of amazing. The productivity. The positive attitude. The girl I approached when I went to lunch. It all made sense why I was being kept at such a low energy state. When I am refreshed and awake, I feel unstoppable right now. Thanks to everyone who came out and helped me through this weekend, RedpoleQ (I don’t really hate you, I appreciate your patience), Allusion (whose different perspective was extremely helpful at times), and Satisfaction (for showing me where I can be in five weeks and being an awesome wing). Totally…awesome.



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Gents, thanks for the warm welcome. I will try to make it funnier/faster next time.


I'm glad we got you over that, "I don't want to talk to keen girls auditioning for TV shows" thing.


Me, too. I think I would have punched myself repeatedly in the nuts for a few weeks had you guys not, ummm, convinced me.


By the way, my new favorite words in the world are "She's keen." It is like music to my ears.


On my way out the door to work on my openers.

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Day2 confirmed with HBAudition.


Current thoughts: Meet at Harajuku noon on Saturday and hit La Fonda (or La Fondita if the other one REALLY is closed on Saturdays) for some Mexican and then costume shopping for a party I have later that night, like RPQ suggested. Considering getting there an hour early to scout out the area for logistics since I haven't spent a lot of time in Tokyo.


Thoughts, ideas, suggestions?

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Fonda is a little high end for a D2, I'd say. I always go for "reasonable" places for D2's. Think about the frames you are setting from the start. Hint: it should NOT be about money. Look for someplace 'interesting', but not expensive. You're on the right track with the Mexican food.


Think multiple bounces. Where else can you take her and what else can you do? Shopping on Takeshita-dori could be good for a laugh, kino, etc.


Also, when & where is the costume party? Are you taking HB Audition?


Yes, always a good idea to scout the area. Get there at least an hour early.

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Fonda is a little high end for a D2, I'd say. I always go for "reasonable" places for D2's. Think about the frames you are setting from the start. Hint: it should NOT be about money. Look for someplace 'interesting', but not expensive. You're on the right track with the Mexican food.


Think multiple bounces. Where else can you take her and what else can you do? Shopping on Takeshita-dori could be good for a laugh, kino, etc.


Also, when & where is the costume party? Are you taking HB Audition?


Yes, always a good idea to scout the area. Get there at least an hour early.


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