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Guangzhou Bootcamp with Kane Vast


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Bootcamp field report


So lucky me, but I wake up for the bootcamp with a fever. Luckily, my work lets me off two hours early so I can relax.

I met Kane in a Turkish restaurant and we talk and get to know each other an hour before we get into to talking pickup theory. Keep in mind, I’m taking quite a few antibiotics and my body is sweating like crazy from the high fever and general being awake. We do around 4 hours of theory over Turkish food. I’m taking notes best I can without falling asleep. Seriously, my body is telling me to go home but I am not about to waste this opportunity to learn from the best.


We finish up eating and we go to to Revolution, a local shots bar and I’m literally shitting myself. I don’t want to approach anyone and thank my lucky stars when Kane agrees that this venue isn’t right for what we want to do. We then head to party pier, Suns (one of the most popular nightclub in GZ). Again, I’m shitting myself with the approach, I don’t really want to do it and I think my excuse is pretty legit in that I feel like I’m dying.


The first approach happens kind of by proxy. The girls come to us and start asking where the party is. I notice that Kane can ‘turn it on’ instantly. He went from looking around trying to find ways to motivate me and girls to approach to chatting these ladies up. I’m really in my head for this set (and quite literally for the rest of night). I try to chat to this lady. She’s wearing something that is showing off her mighty fine cleavage and I get to caught up trying to get a reaction from her with my BT spikes. She actually gets a bit offended and when I calibrate and being a bit more honest she kind of calls me out on it. The set is dying quickly and Kane bust a Marvin Gaye ‘Sexual healing’ joke which causes the girls too leave. That was easier than I thought and I could care less what the girls think of me.


The rest of the sets of the night go one of a couple of ways, either the girls hangs around for two seconds before ignoring me or they ignore me from the get go. My head isn’t in a great place at the moment and I really want to go home and seep and get better and start day game. Two sets go well. One set is a girl sitting down and I just chat and vibe with her going through the stack. I don’t really want to chat to her too long, so I get her number after to making very rough plans and leave the set. The next set that goes okay is a drunk pair of Pakistani girls. They’re sitting and I grab one of there shoes and run off with it. They think that’s funny and we are off to an okay start. I’m vibing quite well with this lady and her drunk/sad friend seems to not mind me either. However, I tell them I have to go because I want to sleep off my fever. I bounce form the set and tell Kane I need to sleep. He lets me off and we go home so I can rest.


Next day, we met in elemental fresh to go over some more theory. I’m starting to get to know Kane a little more and I’m relating more to him and feeling more comfortable with him.


We start approaches and I’m impressed by how little you have to do to hook a girl. The first set we do is in front of this basketball thing and I start to chatting to this girl. I finally understand what first minute resistance is when you start talking to a girl. It will happen every single time you talk to a girl. In the beginning this girl was kind of nervous and kind of shy. I actually left the set once to go back to Kane because I thought it was over and he told me to go back into set and get her number because she was hooked. That’s when something clicked in my head. I was infront of all these people talking to this Chinese girl and she was giving me her number. I thought that was absolutely amazing. I couldn’t believe it because I thought she was really pretty and I didn’t think she was my type. She is a dancer as well. The next set of approaches while they weren’t all as smooth as you might have hoped for, I managed to figure out when to approach them (what angle and the timing) and my resistance started going away quicker and quicker. I relaxed around these ladies and I just kind of found out whether I would like them or not. Sometimes the set would last five minutes or less. Sometimes we would talk for (maximum) 15 minutes. I met some girls that I thought were really cute and a few of them were cool aswell. So, I learnt a lot about approaching that day. Dealing with approach anxiety and how to overcome it, also running structured game might be the best way to get the approach part down on Chinese girls.


Night game, day 2


We met outside a 24/7 supermarket and chat some more game before heading to Catwalk a really big nightclub. It’s not really my kind of nightclub, too big and too many tables and a little unkind to foreigners. We start a conversation with a middle-aged money who I managed to get really far down the set with. I even sexualize the conversation a little and she is enjoying me but it seems she has a man here already. We kind of just use them to get into the club because we lose them instantly. I open the manager of the bar. We start a wechat conversation which is kind of fun. She has to go because she is busy. I open another set by the bar and I get my first legitimate rejection. These girls don’t want to talk and they just straight up don’t want to talk to me. Kane explains that if a girl isn’t even willing to talk how the hell are the two of you going to get along. I completely agree. These aren’t the kind of girls I want in my life. I actually open them outside later and they talk this time but they are still boring as fuck wanting to go home. It’s kind of good to know that I won’t get along with all girls, especially ones that are going to outright reject you from the get go. Back to the camp, me and Kane are approaching chicks near the bathroom because we can’t hear fuck all in the dance area. I open this one chick who doesn’t speak a word of English but she seems to be into my vibe. We hit it off knowing little words of the others language until a drunk Chinese dudes interrupts the set and imposes himself on the girl. He doesn’t hit her but he grabs her and shakes her. I don’t want anything to do with that, so I bail on the situation and start to chatting to other girls. I open this other girl and the girl who got a little roughed up sees me. I ask Kane about this and he says not to worry it’s a nightclub and everyone will forget tomorrow.


He opens this tall blondish model looking chick. Very good looking and in clear abundance of everything she ever wants. He shows me later that this girl literally has everything she wants handed to hear on silver platter via a guy. Good to see evidence of this world existing because to me that it is completely alien. We get tired of the club and I want to eat an apple so we hang out in the club’s lobby. I chat to this one girl who seems cute but she speaks so little English that the convo is completely by wechat. I’m still kind of surprised by how much the girls try to talk to you when you start a conversation (as long as you maintain a positive vibe and act non-creepy and non-needy).


I’m still with a high-fever so I don’t immediately react to everything Kane suggest me to do. Also, girls in clubs will ‘reject’ you or leave a whole lot quicker because of all the stuff that is going on around them. We do a couple more approach. I got a few number from a few cute girls. The best sets were the first set because of how far I got into the stack I got and the one that got interrupted by the drunk idiot.


Last day of the bootcamp I met Kane and we go over the last parts of the stack, the hero story and the idea of the instant date. Sounds like good stuff to me. I get quite lucky today and the very first set I open runs almost perfectly, I run through the stack as smooth as a hot knife through butter, not really gtting stuck anywhere and keep talking when it dies down. She seems into me, the only problem is when I suggest we go on an instant-date she calls my bluff on the opener as in you knew where starbucks was all along right? I kind of laugh it off but I think that might have caused irreparable damage to the set, I should have apologised and told I thought she was cute but I drew a blank at point. I know the set was done because I went through the entire stack (with the exception of sexualisation) and after I told the hero story and asked for her number she told me she would give it to me after my concert on Saturday (which was funny because it got cancelled). The rest of the sets seem to go smoother today and I’m much faster to jump into action, especially after Kane asks me the question ‘would you bang her?’ ‘Yes’ ‘Well…?’ Say no more, I chat with one other girl for thirty minutes, one with lots of make –up something I don’t usually go for because of this image in my head that we won’t get along but I definitely find these kind of women very attractive.

On the last day I’m learning tons of useful information, staying in set is important and just going through the set will do wonders for you. The idea of wings and using them properly can make or break a set because if I bring in a wing and I can’t isolate my girl properly then she will get ADHD and get distracted by my wing because of something new (girls lol). Let Chinese girls (and I suppose Asian girls) save face, let them feel comfortable with their English because a lot of them are super embarrassed to be talking to a foreigner. Another idea was try with all girls you would want to bang because you never know if it possible. On that day, I met a girl who was leaving to Hubei in 2 hours, a girl who lives in Shanghai and had come for the day and chicks that live in Donnguan. So yeah, the logistics aren’t ideal on those sets but hey do it for the reference experience and figure out what it is you want in a woman.


We’re joined mid-bootcamp by one Kane’s student (whose name shall remain conceal because I can’t remember his forum name right now), he’s drove all the way from Donnguan to hang out. I mean, if that doesn’t confirm that Kane is legit I don’t know what will. I get a whole bunch of numbers and I manage to find out if these girls that I met are actually cool girls that I would want to met again.

Overall, the best day of the bootcamp might be the first night when I felt like I was dying the whole night. I didn’t think I had it in me to approach all these girls much less feeling like shit. It was quite eye-opening to find out that some girls will give you the time of day just if you rock up and others won’t and that it probably has nothing to do with you. I knew the theory behind all of this but getting the experience on this is invaluable





5 Realizations throughout Bootcamp


-I am very worthy of talking to girls that I think are very attractive

- I can get along with ladies that I original thought were not my type

-I should open any girl I want to bang because you never know what the circumstance is

-The bar for a good interaction is a lot lower thank I think

-rejection literally last about 5 seconds and is a lot harder than you think

-Once I start gaining a bit of momentum, opening becomes really easy


5 things to work on after bootcamp


-being physical with the girl. I am allowed to that as long as I calibrate and see if she is comfortable

-being sexual with ladies, this makes a massive difference in your results (talk about sex)

-I need to get rid of my fear of opening by consistently opening girls

-I need to get rid of the notion that 7/8/9 and 10s are these big scary monsters that should be treated as if they were that

-reject is the least important thing in the world. It is more important to try than to do nothing

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So lucky me, but I wake up for the bootcamp with a fever. Luckily, my work lets me off two hours early so I can relax.

I met Kane in a Turkish restaurant and we talk and get to know each other an hour before we get into to talking pickup theory. Keep in mind, I’m taking quite a few antibiotics and my body is sweating like crazy from the high fever and general being awake. We do around 4 hours of theory over Turkish food. I’m taking notes best I can without falling asleep. Seriously, my body is telling me to go home but I am not about to waste this opportunity to learn from the best.


We finish up eating and we go to to Revolution, a local shots bar and I’m literally shitting myself. I don’t want to approach anyone and thank my lucky stars when Kane agrees that this venue isn’t right for what we want to do. We then head to party pier, Suns (one of the most popular nightclub in GZ). Again, I’m shitting myself with the approach, I don’t really want to do it and I think my excuse is pretty legit in that I feel like I’m dying.


Yeah that first night was tough, you did well by pushing through.


The first approach happens kind of by proxy. The girls come to us and start asking where the party is. I notice that Kane can ‘turn it on’ instantly. He went from looking around trying to find ways to motivate me and girls to approach to chatting these ladies up. I’m really in my head for this set (and quite literally for the rest of night). I try to chat to this lady. She’s wearing something that is showing off her mighty fine cleavage and I get to caught up trying to get a reaction from her with my BT spikes. She actually gets a bit offended and when I calibrate and being a bit more honest she kind of calls me out on it. The set is dying quickly and Kane bust a Marvin Gaye ‘Sexual healing’ joke which causes the girls too leave. That was easier than I thought and I could care less what the girls think of me.


These girls interacted with us for around 5 minutes or so, it wasn't an ideal situation, but they did have nice boobs.


The rest of the sets of the night go one of a couple of ways, either the girls hangs around for two seconds before ignoring me or they ignore me from the get go. My head isn’t in a great place at the moment and I really want to go home and seep and get better and start day game. Two sets go well. One set is a girl sitting down and I just chat and vibe with her going through the stack. I don’t really want to chat to her too long, so I get her number after to making very rough plans and leave the set. The next set that goes okay is a drunk pair of Pakistani girls. They’re sitting and I grab one of there shoes and run off with it. They think that’s funny and we are off to an okay start. I’m vibing quite well with this lady and her drunk/sad friend seems to not mind me either. However, I tell them I have to go because I want to sleep off my fever. I bounce form the set and tell Kane I need to sleep. He lets me off and we go home so I can rest.


The main lesson that should come from the night is that even at your worst, you can still get results.


A lot of people make excuses about how they can't do x thing because of x reason, so remembering this can be good for noticing when you're rationalizing to yourself about whats possible etc etc.


Next day, we met in elemental fresh to go over some more theory. I’m starting to get to know Kane a little more and I’m relating more to him and feeling more comfortable with him.


We start approaches and I’m impressed by how little you have to do to hook a girl. The first set we do is in front of this basketball thing and I start to chatting to this girl. I finally understand what first minute resistance is when you start talking to a girl. It will happen every single time you talk to a girl. In the beginning this girl was kind of nervous and kind of shy. I actually left the set once to go back to Kane because I thought it was over and he told me to go back into set and get her number because she was hooked. That’s when something clicked in my head. I was infront of all these people talking to this Chinese girl and she was giving me her number. I thought that was absolutely amazing. I couldn’t believe it because I thought she was really pretty and I didn’t think she was my type. She is a dancer as well. The next set of approaches while they weren’t all as smooth as you might have hoped for, I managed to figure out when to approach them (what angle and the timing) and my resistance started going away quicker and quicker. I relaxed around these ladies and I just kind of found out whether I would like them or not. Sometimes the set would last five minutes or less. Sometimes we would talk for (maximum) 15 minutes. I met some girls that I thought were really cute and a few of them were cool aswell. So, I learnt a lot about approaching that day. Dealing with approach anxiety and how to overcome it, also running structured game might be the best way to get the approach part down on Chinese girls.


Also knowing when to push more and how much 'playerness' u should or shouldn't show.




Night game, day 2


We met outside a 24/7 supermarket and chat some more game before heading to Catwalk a really big nightclub. It’s not really my kind of nightclub, too big and too many tables and a little unkind to foreigners. We start a conversation with a middle-aged money who I managed to get really far down the set with. I even sexualize the conversation a little and she is enjoying me but it seems she has a man here already. We kind of just use them to get into the club because we lose them instantly. I open the manager of the bar. We start a wechat conversation which is kind of fun. She has to go because she is busy. I open another set by the bar and I get my first legitimate rejection. These girls don’t want to talk and they just straight up don’t want to talk to me. Kane explains that if a girl isn’t even willing to talk how the hell are the two of you going to get along. I completely agree. These aren’t the kind of girls I want in my life. I actually open them outside later and they talk this time but they are still boring as fuck wanting to go home. It’s kind of good to know that I won’t get along with all girls, especially ones that are going to outright reject you from the get go. Back to the camp, me and Kane are approaching chicks near the bathroom because we can’t hear fuck all in the dance area. I open this one chick who doesn’t speak a word of English but she seems to be into my vibe. We hit it off knowing little words of the others language until a drunk Chinese dudes interrupts the set and imposes himself on the girl. He doesn’t hit her but he grabs her and shakes her. I don’t want anything to do with that, so I bail on the situation and start to chatting to other girls. I open this other girl and the girl who got a little roughed up sees me. I ask Kane about this and he says not to worry it’s a nightclub and everyone will forget tomorrow.


Is that girl you met on the couches with her employee still responding?


That Chinese dude was a fkn mess :<


A lot of guys will meet a girl they like in the club and then not want to keep approaching because they're afraid she will see and won't meet them again, although this can happen, it's silly to stop approaching for that reason and is very much a scarcity mindset, as you don't know if the girl will see you again and you likely don't wanna end up with a girl who is that insecure anyway.


He opens this tall blondish model looking chick. Very good looking and in clear abundance of everything she ever wants. He shows me later that this girl literally has everything she wants handed to hear on silver platter via a guy. Good to see evidence of this world existing because to me that it is completely alien. We get tired of the club and I want to eat an apple so we hang out in the club’s lobby. I chat to this one girl who seems cute but she speaks so little English that the convo is completely by wechat. I’m still kind of surprised by how much the girls try to talk to you when you start a conversation (as long as you maintain a positive vibe and act non-creepy and non-needy).


I’m still with a high-fever so I don’t immediately react to everything Kane suggest me to do. Also, girls in clubs will ‘reject’ you or leave a whole lot quicker because of all the stuff that is going on around them. We do a couple more approach. I got a few number from a few cute girls. The best sets were the first set because of how far I got into the stack I got and the one that got interrupted by the drunk idiot.


Showing you're interested in them and giving them ways to make the conversation with you easier really helps.


Last day of the bootcamp I met Kane and we go over the last parts of the stack, the hero story and the idea of the instant date. Sounds like good stuff to me. I get quite lucky today and the very first set I open runs almost perfectly, I run through the stack as smooth as a hot knife through butter, not really gtting stuck anywhere and keep talking when it dies down.


She seems into me, the only problem is when I suggest we go on an instant-date she calls my bluff on the opener as in you knew where starbucks was all along right? I kind of laugh it off but I think that might have caused irreparable damage to the set, I should have apologised and told I thought she was cute but I drew a blank at point. I know the set was done because I went through the entire stack (with the exception of sexualisation) and after I told the hero story and asked for her number she told me she would give it to me after my concert on Saturday (which was funny because it got cancelled). The rest of the sets seem to go smoother today and I’m much faster to jump into action, especially after Kane asks me the question ‘would you bang her?’ ‘Yes’ ‘Well…?’ Say no more, I chat with one other girl for thirty minutes, one with lots of make –up something I don’t usually go for because of this image in my head that we won’t get along but I definitely find these kind of women very attractive.


If you regularly get girls refusing to give you compliance (wechat, kino, date, sex) and then voicing some player objections then try to do less attraction and more qualification/comfort.


The way you understand yourself and the world better is by doing things you normally wouldn't, by at times being counter intuitive.


On the last day I’m learning tons of useful information, staying in set is important and just going through the set will do wonders for you. The idea of wings and using them properly can make or break a set because if I bring in a wing and I can’t isolate my girl properly then she will get ADHD and get distracted by my wing because of something new (girls lol). Let Chinese girls (and I suppose Asian girls) save face, let them feel comfortable with their English because a lot of them are super embarrassed to be talking to a foreigner. Another idea was try with all girls you would want to bang because you never know if it possible. On that day, I met a girl who was leaving to Hubei in 2 hours, a girl who lives in Shanghai and had come for the day and chicks that live in Donnguan. So yeah, the logistics aren’t ideal on those sets but hey do it for the reference experience and figure out what it is you want in a woman.


Logistics is 50% of the game.



We’re joined mid-bootcamp by one Kane’s student (whose name shall remain conceal because I can’t remember his forum name right now), he’s drove all the way from Donnguan to hang out. I mean, if that doesn’t confirm that Kane is legit I don’t know what will. I get a whole bunch of numbers and I manage to find out if these girls that I met are actually cool girls that I would want to met again.

Overall, the best day of the bootcamp might be the first night when I felt like I was dying the whole night. I didn’t think I had it in me to approach all these girls much less feeling like shit. It was quite eye-opening to find out that some girls will give you the time of day just if you rock up and others won’t and that it probably has nothing to do with you. I knew the theory behind all of this but getting the experience on this is invaluable



His forum name is 'MadeYouLook'.



5 Realizations throughout Bootcamp


-I am very worthy of talking to girls that I think are very attractive


The more you do Game, the more your standards will develop and surprised you will be, I have banged girls the pre Bootcamp Kane wouldn't have even talked to, it was surprising.


- I can get along with ladies that I original thought were not my type


Ya, again, try new things, have new experiences.


-I should open any girl I want to bang because you never know what the circumstance is


Get really good at tricking yourself into thinking the circumstances are great or beneficial for you, as focusing on why something CANT happen, will just make sure it can't happen.


-The bar for a good interaction is a lot lower thank I think

-rejection literally last about 5 seconds and is a lot harder than you think

-Once I start gaining a bit of momentum, opening becomes really easy


For sure.


Make sure you keep it up.



5 things to work on after bootcamp


-being physical with the girl. I am allowed to that as long as I calibrate and see if she is comfortable

-being sexual with ladies, this makes a massive difference in your results (talk about sex)

-I need to get rid of my fear of opening by consistently opening girls

-I need to get rid of the notion that 7/8/9 and 10s are these big scary monsters that should be treated as if they were that

-reject is the least important thing in the world. It is more important to try than to do nothing


All of these are great.


You definitely gotta keep going!

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