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Top 5


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Today I've decided to start trying a new approach to how I will manage seducing/pursuing multiple women at the same time. I've decided to limit the number of women that I am actively pursuing to no more than 5 of the best, top-quality women that fit my current desires. The reasons for this are several.


First, at this point in my life, I am all about balance. I've got a good handle on the main aspects of my life (I'm making progress in my goal to start an art business, I'm exercising regularly and eating healthy, and I know enough about women that I don't need to expend tons of mental energy trying to seduce any one woman just for the experience). I want to keep things balanced, and pursuing too many women at a time takes too much mental energy and time.


Second, by having multiple women in my life, I can keep a mindset of abundance (I won't feel at a loss if one women is too busy to meet with me, or if one woman goes cold on me for whatever reason), while keeping the number low enough that I can provide individualized, focused attention to these women without tiring myself out too much (I generally like to write down/map out a specific strategy for how I will seduce a women, so keeping the number of women that I am seducing to a manageable number will make this much easier!).


Third, I increase my chances of getting sex, since it is always smarter to keep your eggs in multiple women's baskets, rather than just one :mrgreen: . Having multiple women in my life also means that I have access to a wide range of women that I can hangout with sexually AND socially :D


I won't completely forget about the other women in my life who aren't in my "Top 5". I will occasionally text and message them to hangout, but they likely won't factor too much into my life, besides maybe using them for triangulation/jealousy plotlines. Maybe these other women can break into my Top 5 if they throw some sex at me, but until that happens, I won't pay them too much mind.


Let's try it out!

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Yeah, I think it's really hard to properly game more than about 4 or 5 women at a time, for sure, so limiting yourself to focusing on 5 is a great idea. I think though that you might need to work out (if you haven't already) some specific criteria for kicking girls out of the top 5 and replacing them.


I don't run this so strictly...I just tend to forget about the ones that are lower down and therefore message them less, but it sounds like with a more structured approach like it seems you're planning on taking that you will need some criteria for what gets them demoted.

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Woah! you are starting an art business? that's so cool. We have two artists (myself included) as far as I know in the group.


4 or 5 women sounds like a lot of time commitment unless they're really hot, then they might not respond that much :lol:

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Great questions/suggestions! :)


"I think though that you might need to work out (if you haven't already) some specific criteria for kicking girls out of the top 5 and replacing them."


^^Well, to even be considered for eligibility in my top 5, the ladies have to meet certain criteria:


1) They have to be what I consider to be attractive- looks and personality wise

2) I prefer women who have shown me interest, rather than women who are playing it cool/hard to get

3) They have to show me (either subtly or not-so-subtly) that they are physically open to me, at least in some small way (from holding hands all the way up to physical penetration). In the past I have made the mistake (?) of going after virginal/innocent women, and I have seen how big of a headache they are to try to open up. It is much easier (smarter?) to go towards women whose worldviews make them at least a little bit sexually open.

4) I prefer it if they respond eagerly and with keen interest to me when I contact them to hang out (or when I contact them in general). I know that attractive Asian women tend to not respond to all of a man's messages, but I can't help but show a preference for women who more often than not respond with interest to whatever I message them, whether I message them a picture or an invitation to meet up.


Women who didn't make the cut of my top 5 were generally women who didn't fully meet criteria #2-4. My brain works better when I have systems/frameworks available for me to follow, which is why I really like this "Top 5" idea that I have decided to pursue :D


"We have two artists (myself included) as far as I know in the group. "


^^Nice to meet you donburi. I'm currently working with abstract art paintings. What kind of art do you work with?


"4 or 5 women sounds like a lot of time commitment unless they're really hot, then they might not respond that much"


^^donburi, I think that you are right. Ideally, I would have just 3 women that I expend most of my mental and physical energy pursuing, and the extra 2 women would be women who I just casually message without too much planning/forethought. As a matter of fact, I think that is the framework I will follow!


RedpoleQ, how do you manage maintaining relationships with the women you have already sexually "seduced", while continuing to go out and get more women? The last time you and I spoke, you named off a long list of women that you have been getting/have gotten sexual pleasures from on a semi-regular basis. How do you manage so many women?

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